27 April 2022: UK-Japan CEPA Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures – joint minutes
Updated 4 February 2025
The UK-Japan CEPA
First meeting of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
27 April 2022 (virtual meeting)
The first meeting of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures (the SPS Committee), established under the UK- Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA),took place on 27 April 2022, via videoconference.
The meeting was co-chaired by Nihei Daisuke, Director for International Economy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) and Paul Green, Deputy Director, UK Office for SPS Trade Assurance within the Animal Plant Health & Welfare Directorate, Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), with attendance of participants from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), the Embassy of Japan in the UK, Department of International Trade (DIT), Food Safety Agency (FSA) and the UK Embassy in Japan
Opening remarks
Both sides noted their long-standing relationship and recognised the committee as a forum to continue addressing SPS issues and to facilitate resolutions at a bilateral level.
The UK acknowledged technical dialogue between Japan and the UK on a range of issues, notably trade in bonsai trees, and explained its commitment to animal health, welfare and high food standards
Japan highlighted the close collaboration between Japan and the UK in various fields such as security, defence, culture and trade and recalled their commitment to climate change and digital trade at first meeting of Joint Committee.
Adoption of the agenda
The meeting agenda was adopted.
Adoption of the Rules of Procedure
Both sides confirmed that the Rules of Procedure for Joint Committee would apply mutatis mutandis to the SPS Committee based on mutual understanding.
Information regarding organizational structure and distribution of responsibilities between Competent Authorities in the field of SPS measures
Both sides presented on their organisational structures and points of contact. Japan raised questions on the review of retained EU law and border checks in Northern Ireland. The UK committed to responding to these questions in writing.
Retained Regulation 2016/6 on Importing Food from Japan Following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Japan acknowledged the work to remove the UK import measures on products from the Fukushima region. The FSA provided an update on the process for removing the restrictions and the timelines involved. Japan had a variety of follow up questions on timelines for this work. The UK undertook to respond in writing within 24 hours.
Calendar of the SPS committee
Both sides decided that if there were no outstanding issues then there could be flexibility on the frequency of the meetings. Japan indicated that it was happy to host the second meeting of the SPS committee.
Operational conclusions
The UK summarised discussions and both sides would finalise joint minutes in writing after the meeting.
Closing remarks
Both sides thanked all involved for organising the meeting. The co-chairs were thankful for a productive first meeting in establishing a partnership for cooperation.