
19 February 2024: UK-Japan CEPA Joint Committee amendments to Annex 14-B on geographical indications – decision No 1/2024

Updated 4 February 2025

Decision No 1/2024 of the Joint Committee under the Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan for a comprehensive economic partnership on the amendments to Annex 14-B on geographical indications

The Joint Committee,

Having regard to the Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), and in particular Articles 14.34 and 23.2 thereof,


  1. The Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2021.

  2. Within the framework of the Committee on Intellectual Property, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “the United Kingdom”) and Japan (hereinafter referred to collectively as “the Parties”) confirmed that the Joint Committee will consider up to 77 names from the United Kingdom and from Japan respectively to be protected as geographical indications (hereinafter referred to as “GIs”) and added in Annex 14-B of the Agreement, provided that those names are protected as GIs domestically.

  3. Following the request of the Parties and pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 14.34, the United Kingdom has completed the opposition procedure and the examination of 38 additional GIs of Japan and Japan has completed the opposition procedure and the examination of 37 additional GIs of the United Kingdom.

  4. On 5 February 2024, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 14.61 of the Agreement, the Committee on Intellectual Property recommended to the Joint Committee to amend Annex 14-B to the Agreement accordingly.

  5. The Parties completed their internal procedures necessary for adoption of the Decision by the Joint Committee under the Agreement, and endeavour to exchange the diplomatic notes acknowledging the amendments and the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Agreement not more than ten working days after the Decision is adopted.

  6. Consequently, Annex 14-B to the Agreement should be amended, in accordance with paragraph 3 and subparagraph 4(h) of Article 24.2 of the Agreement.

Has adopted this decision:

Article 1

a) In Section A of Part 1 (GIs for agricultural products) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 1 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of the United Kingdom.

b) In Section B of Part 1 (GIs for agricultural products) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 2 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of Japan.

c) In Section A of Part 2 (GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 3 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of the United Kingdom.

d) In Section B of Part 2 (GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 4 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of Japan.

Article 2

a) For the next amendment, the Joint Committee will decide on the addition to Annex 14-B of the Agreement of a number of up to 40 names from the United Kingdom and up to 39 names from Japan respectively to be protected as GIs under the Agreement, provided that those names are GIs protected in the territory of the Party in accordance with its laws and regulations.

b) As from the fourth year of implementation of the Agreement, the Parties will work to continuously include additional GIs in view of the interests of each Party.

Article 3

This Decision together with the Annexes to this Decision, which form an integral part thereof, is drawn up in duplicate in the authentic languages provided for in Article 24.7 of the Agreement, both texts being equally authentic.

Article 4

This Decision shall be implemented by the Parties as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 23.2 of the Agreement. The amendments to the Agreement adopted through this Decision shall enter into force by the exchange of diplomatic notes in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 24.2 of the Agreement.

Annex 1: List of GIs for agricultural products of the United Kingdom

Name to be protected Transcription into Japanese (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
Anglesey Sea Salt / Halen Môn アングルシー・シー・ソルト / ハレン・モン Salt [sea salt]
Arbroath Smokies アーブロース・スモーキーズ Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [smoked haddock]
Conwy Mussels コンウィ・マッスルズ Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [mussels]
Cornish Clotted Cream コーニッシュ・クロテッド・クリーム Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.) [clotted cream]
Cornish Pasty コーニッシュ・パスティ Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker’s wares [pasty]
East Kent Goldings イースト・ケント・ゴールディングス Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [hops]
London Cure Smoked Salmon ロンドン・キュアー・スモーク・サーモン Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [smoked salmon]
Lough Neagh Eel ローク・ネイ・イール Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [eel]
Lough Neagh Pollan ローク・ネイ・ポーラン Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [freshwater whitefish]
Melton Mowbray Pork Pie メルトン・モーブレー・ポーク・パイ Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [savoury pie]
Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar オークニー・スコティッシュ・アイランド・チェダー Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
Pembrokeshire Earlies / Pembrokeshire Early Potatoes ペンブルックシャー・アーリーズ / ペンブルックシャー・アーリー・ポテト Fruit, vegetables and cereals fresh or processed [potatoes]
Scotch Beef スコッチ・ビーフ Fresh meat (and offal) [beef]
Scotch Lamb スコッチ・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Single Gloucester シングル・グロスター Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
Staffordshire Cheese スタッフォードシャー・チーズ Cheeses [hard / semi-hard cow milk cheese]
Stornoway Black Pudding ストーノウェイ・ブラック・プディング Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [black pudding]
Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop トラディショナル・エアシャー・ダンロップ Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
Traditional Cumberland Sausage トラディショナル ・カンバーランド・ソーセージ Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [pork sausage]
Traditional Grimsby Smoked Fish トラディショナル・グリムズビー・スモーク・フィッシュ Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [smoked cod and haddock]
Traditional Welsh Caerphilly / Traditional Welsh Caerffili トラディショナル・ウェルシュ・ケアフィリ Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
Welsh Beef ウェルシュ・ビーフ Fresh meat (and offal) [beef]
Welsh Lamb ウェルシュ・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Welsh Laverbread ウェルシュ・レイバーブレッド Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [seaweed]
West Country Beef ウェスト・カントリー・ビーフ Fresh meat (and offal) [beef]
West Country Lamb ウェスト・カントリー・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Yorkshire Wensleydale ヨークシャー・ウェンズリーデール Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]

Annex 2: List of GIs for agricultural products of Japan

Name to be protected Transcription into Latin alphabet (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
大栄西瓜 / Daiei Suika Daiei Suika Agricultural product [watermelon]
大山ブロッコリー / Daisen Broccoli Daisen Broccoli Agricultural product [broccoli]
越前がに / 越前かに Echizen Gani / Echizen Kani Marine product [snow crab]
Processed marine product [boiled snow crab]
江戸崎かぼちゃ / 江戸崎カボチャ / 江戸崎南瓜 Edosaki Kabocha Agricultural product [squash]
二子さといも / 二子いものこ Futago Satoimo / Futago Imonoko Agricultural product [taro]
比婆牛 / Hiba Gyu Hiba Gyu Fresh meat [beef]
東出雲の ほし柿 / Higashiizumo no Maruhata Hoshigaki / Higashiizumo no Maruhata Hoshikaki Higashiizumo no Maruhata Hoshigaki / Higashiizumo no Maruhata Hoshikaki Processed agricultural product [dried Japanese persimmon]
檜山海参 / Hiyama Haishen Hiyama Haishen Processed marine product [dried sea cucumber]
伊吹そば / Ibuki Soba / 伊吹在来そば / Ibuki Zairaisoba Ibuki Soba / Ibuki Zairaisoba Agricultural product [buckwheat]
いぶりがっこ / Iburigakko Iburigakko Processed agricultural product [pickles]
岩出山凍り豆腐 /岩出山名産凍り豆腐 Iwadeyama Koridofu / Iwadeyama Meisan Koridofu Processed agricultural product [freeze dried bean curd]
菊池水田ごぼう / Kikuchi Suiden Gobo Kikuchi Suiden Gobo Agricultural product [burdock]
こおげ花御所柿 / Koge Hanagoshogaki Koge Hanagoshogaki Agricultural product [Japanese persimmon]
くまもとあか牛 Kumamoto Akaushi Fresh meat [beef]
松館しぼり大根 Matsudate Shibori Daikon Agricultural product [Japanese white radish (daikon)]
水戸の柔甘ねぎ Mito no Yawaraka Negi Agricultural product [green onion]
物部ゆず / Monobe Yuzu Monobe Yuzu Agricultural product [Yuzu (citrus)]
南郷トマト Nango Tomato Agricultural product [tomato]
奥久慈しゃも / Okukuji Shamo Chicken Okukuji Shamo Fresh meat [chicken, offal meat]
小笹うるい / Ozasa Urui Ozasa Urui Agricultural product [hosta]
佐用もち大豆 / Sayo Mochidaizu Sayo Mochidaizu Agricultural product [soy beans]
対州そば Taishu Soba Agricultural product [buckwheat]
Processed agricultural product [buckwheat flour]
東京しゃも / Tokyo Shamo Tokyo Shamo Fresh meat [chicken, offal meat]
富山干柿 / Toyama Hoshigaki Toyama Hoshigaki Processed agricultural product [dried Japanese persimmon]
津南の雪下にんじん / Tsunan no Yukishita Ninjin Tsunan no Yukishita Ninjin Agricultural product [carrot]
つるたスチューベン / Tsuruta Steuben Tsuruta Steuben Agricultural product [grapes]
ヤマダイかんしょ / かんしょ/ Yamadai Kansho Yamadai Kansho Agricultural product [sweet potato]
山形セルリー / Yamagata Celery Yamagata Celery Agricultural product [celery]
八代特産晩白柚 / Yatsushiro Tokusan Banpeiyu Yatsushiro Tokusan Banpeiyu Agricultural product [pomelo]
善通寺産四角スイカ / Zentsujisan Shikakusuika Zentsujisan Shikakusuika Agricultural product [watermelon]

Annex 3: List of GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages of the United Kingdom

Name to be protected Transcription into Japanese (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
English イングリッシュ Wine
English Regional イングリッシュ・リージョナル Wine
Herefordshire cider ヘレフォードシャー・シードル Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (cider)]
Herefordshire perry ヘレフォードシャー・ペリー Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (perry)]
Irish Poteen / Irish Poitín アイリッシュ・ポティーン / アイリッシュ・ポッチーン Spirits
Kentish Ale ケンティッシュ・エール Beers
Kentish Strong Ale ケンティッシュ・ストロング・エール Beers
Somerset Cider Brandy サマセット・サイダー・ブランデー Spirits
Welsh ウェルシュ Wine
Welsh Regional ウェルシュ・リージョナル Wine

Annex 4: List of GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages of Japan

Name to be protected Transcription into Latin alphabet (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
Hagi Seishu (Sake)
はりま Harima Seishu (Sake)
北海道 Hokkaido Wine
三重 Mie Seishu (Sake)
灘五郷 Nadagogo Seishu (Sake)
利根沼田 Tone Numata Seishu (Sake)
和歌山梅酒 Wakayama Umeshu Other kinds of liquor
山梨 Yamanashi Seishu (Sake)

For the Joint Committee

Kamikawa Yoko
Co-Chair [for Japan]

The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP
Co-Chair [for the United Kingdom]