UK-New Zealand FTA Chapter 27: Trade and Development
Text of chapter 27 of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand.
One of the first chapters of its kind within a bilateral FTA between 2 advanced economies, the chapter is dedicated to trade and development issues. It reinforces the UK’s and New Zealand’s commitment to promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, through trade.
The UK and New Zealand acknowledge the importance of development in promoting inclusive economic growth. In addition to the instrumental role that sustainable trade and investment can play in contributing to economic development.
The chapter includes provisions that recognise the value of undertaking and increasing cooperation related to trade and development. This includes through the sharing of best practice on policy and programming and joint advocacy in multilateral fora.
It also allows for monitoring of the impacts of the agreement on developing countries.
The chapter is supported by provisions elsewhere in the agreement which enable the whole FTA to support mutual trade and development objectives.