Transparency data
UK NSC agenda March 2021
Updated 20 October 2021
1. Introduction and apologies (declarations and conflicts)
2. Minutes of the last meeting (28 October 2020)
3. Matters arising
3.1 Director’s update
- Creation of National Institute of Health Protection
- Screening advisory body task and finish group
- Lung cancer
- Roll out of non-invasive prenatal testing in the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme
3.2 Ethics and engagement
- Ethics task group on child-parent screening for familial hypercholesterolemia
- Ethical principles to inform the restoration of adult screening pathways in the context of COVID-19
- Public dialogue on the implications of whole genome sequencing on newborn screening
- UK NSC stakeholder engagement review – preliminary results
3.3 2020 annual call for topic submissions
3.4 IMDs in newborn screening
4. Adult screening
- Adult reference group (ARG) report
- Evidence review summary – screening for stomach cancer
- Evidence review summary – screening for hearing loss in adults
- Evidence review summary – screening for hereditary hemochromatosis
- Evidence map – screening for thrombophilia in all ages
5. Fetal, maternal and child health (FMCH) screening
- FMCH report
- NHS FASP: programme modification
- Evidence map – fetal presentation: 2019 annual call for topic proposal
- Evidence map – screening for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
- Evidence map – screening for adrenoleukodystrophy
6. Updates (information only)