UK Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment 2: Environmental Report
OESEA2 Environmental Report and supporting annexes
This Environmental Report has been prepared as part of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) United Kingdom Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment (OESEA) programme and is hereafter referred to as OESEA2. OESEA2 updates and extends the scope of the OESEA Environmental Report which was issued in January 2009.
The 2009 OESEA Environmental Report considered the environmental implications of a draft plan/programme to enable: further seaward rounds of oil and gas licensing, including gas storage in UK waters; and further rounds of offshore wind farm leasing in the UK Renewable Energy Zone and the territorial waters of England and Wales to a depth of 60m. The objective of the wind leasing was to achieve some 25GW of generation capacity by 2020, in addition to the 8GW already constructed or in planning. A Post Consultation Report on the UK OESEA was issued in June 2009, followed by government decisions; on the offshore wind element in the form of the policy document, “A Prevailing Wind: Advancing UK Offshore Wind Deployment”; and on the hydrocarbon licensing with the announcement of a 26th Seaward Round.
This SEA is intended to:
Consider the environmental implications of DECC’s draft plan/programme to enable further licensing/leasing for offshore energy (oil and gas, hydrocarbon gas storage, carbon dioxide storage and offshore renewables including wind, wave, tidal stream and tidal range). This includes consideration of the implications of alternatives to the plan/programme and of the potential interactions with other users of the sea
Inform the UK Government’s decisions on the draft plan/programme
Provide routes for public and stakeholder participation in the process
The non-technical summary provides a synopsis of the OESEA2 Environmental Report, including the conclusions and recommendations.