Research and analysis

UK Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment: research

Final reports for research projects commissioned as part of the UK Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment programme.


Assessment of the levels of contaminants in sediment and water following UXO disposal

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Estimating dispersal and survival of grey seal pups

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Trial of the use of silicone cord leg-loop harnesses on Black-legged Kittiwake during the 2023 breeding season

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Distribution and abundance of beaked whales and other deep-diving cetaceans in European Atlantic waters

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Characterisation of Acoustic Fields Generated by UXO Removal: Phase 5 Quarry Trials of Bubble Curtain Mitigation

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Characterisation of Acoustic Fields Generated by UXO Removal: Phase 5 Quarry Trials of ECS Low-Order Technology

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Use of Chemicals in Offshore Wind Farm Construction and Operation

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Pilot Tracking Study of Migratory Movements of Shelduck to Inform Understanding of Potential Interactions with Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea

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Characterisation of acoustic fields generated by UXO removal: Phase 2

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Review and update of seascape and visual buffer study for offshore wind farms

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Aerial survey data for monitoring harbour porpoise population health

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Review of the migratory movements of Shelduck to inform understanding of potential interactions with offshore wind farms in the southern North Sea

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Review of the potential of seabird colony monitoring to inform monitoring programmes for consented offshore wind farm projects

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Satellite-tracking of Bewick’s swan migration in relation to offshore and onshore wind farm sites: final report

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Measuring the Interaction Between Marine Features of Special Protection Areas with Offshore Wind Farm Development Sites Through Telemetry: Final Report

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Measuring the Interaction Between Marine Features of Special Protection Areas with Offshore Wind Farm Development Sites Through Telemetry: Third Year Report

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Activity budgets: analysis of seal behaviour at sea

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Updated grey seal usage maps in the North Sea

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Updated grey seal usage maps in the North Sea - GIS shape files

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Movements of grey seal that haul out on the UK coast of the southern North Sea

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Suspended sediment climatologies around the UK

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The Department has maintained an active SEA research programme; identifying information gaps (some of which are outlined in previous SEA Recommendations) and commissioning new research where appropriate. This has been part of the Department’s offshore SEA programme since 1999.

Completed studies relating to earlier SEAs are located on the British Geological Survey (BGS) SEA archive.

Updates to this page

Published 10 February 2017
Last updated 4 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Upload of the Fugro 2023 report on levels of contaminants in sediment and water following UXO disposal, and the Russel & Moss 2023 report on the dispersal and survival of grey seal pups

  2. Addition of research report, O'Hanlon et al 2024, Trial of the use of silicone cord leg-loop harnesses on Black-legged Kittiwake during the 2023 breeding season

  3. Addition of the report, Lacey & Hammond (2023) Distribution and abundance of beaked whales and other deep-diving cetaceans in European Atlantic waters.

  4. Addition of two NPL reports on the characterisation of acoustic fields from UXO removal

  5. Addition of, Blake S, Moran C, Perry J and Phillips C (2022). Use of chemicals in Offshore Wind Farm Construction and Operation.

  6. non-significant update to the SMRU report, Habitat-based predictions of at-sea distribution for grey and harbour seals in the British Isles, with additional notes relating to Figures 6 and 7

  7. Publication of the NPL report, Protocol for In-Situ Underwater Measurement of Explosive Ordnance Disposal for UXO, and the SMRU report, Habitat-based predictions of at-sea distribution for grey and harbour seals in the British Isles

  8. Addition of the BTO report on the tracking of migratory Shelduck movements to inform understanding of offshore wind farm interactions

  9. Addition of the NPL report, Characterisation of Acoustic Fields Generated by UXO Removal

  10. Update to the White Consultants 2020 Seascape and visual buffer study: change to document cover style only.

  11. Addition of White Consultants 2020 Seascape and visual buffer study for offshore wind farms

  12. Addition of SMRU 2019 Aerial survey data for monitoring harbour porpoise population health

  13. Addition of BTO 2019 review of the migratory movements of Shelduck

  14. Addition of BTO 2019 report on the potential of seabird colony monitoring to inform monitoring programmes for consented offshore wind farms

  15. First published.

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