
UK Shared Prosperity Fund: interventions, outputs and indicators

List of interventions, outputs and indicators for each of the UKSPF investment priorities.



This page provides a list of agreed interventions for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, for each of the 3 UKSPF investment priorities.

Each broad set of interventions has been designed to support the overall objectives of each investment priority and relevant Levelling Up missions. They provide significant flexibility for places to focus on what best meets their local needs. The case for support for them has already been agreed, simplifying the investment plan process.

We know that places across the UK have specific strengths and face unique challenges. Places can also consider bespoke interventions that meet the unique needs of their community and place. Where proposed, places will need to provide further detail on these – including a Theory of Change, Logical Framework or Logic Chain – in their investment plan to access their UKSPF funding.

Working with other places is also strongly encouraged in the delivery of Fund interventions where it meets the needs of their place, and achieves value for money or better outcomes for local people or businesses

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Published 13 April 2022

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