
27 November 2023: UK-Singapore Public Stakeholders’ Forum minute

Updated 3 September 2024

Joint Summary of the first Public Stakeholders’ Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development

27 November 2023 virtually in Singapore and London, UK

The first Public Stakeholders’ Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) under the UK-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (UKSFTA) was held on 27 November 2023 in Singapore and London, UK via video conference. The Forum was independently moderated by the UK and Singapore Chairs of the Parties’ Domestic Advisory Groups (DAG). The event was attended by public stakeholders from both Parties including representatives from both sides’ TSD DAGs

The governments updated stakeholders on the first meeting of the UK-Singapore Trade and Sustainable Development Board held on 4 October 2023 via the Joint Statement. 

The UK and Singapore stakeholders engaged in a productive session on Trade and Labour. The discussion focused on topics related to the implementation of fundamental International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions, including mental health in the context of workplace anti-discrimination legislation as well as occupational safety and health.

In response to a question raised as to whether the UK’s Minimum Service Levels Legislation is compatible with international commitments, the UK government outlined that the Minimum Service Levels Legislation is compatible with its international obligations and achieves a balance between the ability of union members to take strike action and protecting the rights and freedoms of the wider public and society.

Connections between the environmental and social dimensions of sustainable trade were also discussed in relation to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), especially within global and domestic supply chains. In addition, stakeholders discussed the importance of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to navigate new requirements on labour and sustainability that were being introduced by governments.  

In the session on Trade and Environment, stakeholders welcomed Singapore’s formal acceptance of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO’s) Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies and looked forward to the UK’s ratification of the Agreement. Both governments affirmed their commitment to continue supporting the WTO’s work on fisheries subsidies.

Stakeholders discussed the contribution of green procurement processes to global sustainability goals as well as ways to boost trade in environmental goods and services. The UK also confirmed its intentions to implement the due diligence provisions on forest risk commodities of its Environment Act.  

The UK government confirmed that its consultation on carbon leakage had closed and that a response would be published in due course. Recognising that carbon leakage is a global issue, the UK expressed its willingness to consider future bilateral and multilateral cooperation in this space. Finally, stakeholders welcomed the launch of the UK-Singapore Green Economy Framework (UKSGEF) and looked forward to future opportunities for business collaboration and cooperation under the Framework. 

To close the Forum, the independent co-moderators highlighted the rich nature of the discussion and thanked all participants for their attendance and contributions. Both governments echoed thanks to attendees and recognised the similarities between the sustainability goals of the Parties, highlighting how the constructive discussion supported future engagement and collaboration under the UKSFTA.