
UK Space Power (JDP 0-40)

Joint Doctrine Publication 0-40 provides an overview of space from a UK military context and highlights the importance of space as an operational domain.



Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 0-40, UK Space Power (First Edition) is the United Kingdom’s keystone space domain doctrine publication.

It brings together UK government policy, strategy, higher-level doctrine and enduring space power knowledge and experience to provide a basis for understanding the utility of the space domain in the military context.

UK space power doctrine was previously encapsulated in JDP 0-30, UK Air and Space Power (Second Edition) but it is now appropriate for it to be articulated in its own publication.

Introduction to UK Space Power video

There is a transcript for this video. It is also attached above.

Who should read this publication

This publication should be of value to joint commanders and staffs, the single Services, the broader defence community, and other government departments, as well as UK partners and allies.

It is designed to appeal to non‑specialists and specialists alike. For the former, it introduces the subject and provides signposts to more detailed study. For the latter, it provides a structure for understanding and describing UK military space power that is coherent with our allies and partners alongside a vocabulary of agreed, standardised terms that are a benchmark for wider use.

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Published 1 September 2022
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