
26 March 2024: minutes of the third meeting of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures

Updated 13 September 2024

This page relates to a meeting that took place on 26 March 2024, during the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government, and was published later.

Joint minutes of the third committee meeting on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures under the free trade agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Virtual, 26 March 2024

The third meeting of the Committee on SPS measures under the UK-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement took place on 26 March 2024 by video conference.

There was a fruitful exchange of views on matters related to implementation of the SPS Chapter by participants of the meeting.

The UK participants were from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Department for Business and Trade, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. Participants from Viet Nam were from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Ministry of Health.

1. Opening Remarks and adoption of the agenda

Progress and cooperation between the parties on SPS matters over the past year was highlighted. It was hoped that both countries would continue to work together to facilitate trade and that this committee meeting would continue to build on the existing framework and relationship between the UK and Viet Nam.

Both parties noted the agenda and approved it.

2. Acknowledgment of, and agreement to, the SPS Committee Rules of Procedure

2.1 Introduction of SPS contact points under the UK-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA) and chairs of the meeting

The change to the UK co-chair for this committee meeting was noted. Existing contact points were confirmed.

2.2 Acknowledgement of and agreement by the SPS Committee of its Rules of Procedures

The Rules of Procedure (RoP) was acknowledged and adopted by both parties.

2.3 Assessing the operational conclusions from the second UK-Viet Nam SPS Committee

An update of ongoing operational conclusions from the previous SPS Committee was provided. These were discussed in more detail as agenda items in this third committee.

3. Discussing the issues raised by the UK

Progress on market access requests from the UK to Viet Nam was discussed along with next steps and an update on the process for further requests.

In addition, the UK sought further information and contact points from Viet Nam on their interests and priorities regarding capacity and capability building.

The UK provided a presentation of the UK Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) National Action Plan and a summary of priorities. The UK was interested to understand what Viet Nam’s priorities are for collaboration on AMR in animal health. Further engagement on AMR following this committee was considered.

4. Discussing the issues raised by Viet Nam

The status of a market access application from Viet Nam to the UK was discussed by the committee, along with next steps.

Further discussion concerned Viet Nam’s interest in support from the UK in a number of areas related to SPS.

5. Future SPS Committee meetings

Both parties agreed the timing of the next meeting would be coordinated via the secretariats from each country. This would not preclude any expert discussion on items and issues in the interim.

6. Decision on publication of minutes

Both parties agreed that a condensed version of the minutes could be published once approved.

7. Operational conclusions

The UK summarised the operational conclusions and these would be circulated for comment and agreement following this committee.

8. Closing remarks

Both parties thanked each other for a productive meeting and looked forward to working together on shared priorities in the SPS space in the future.