Corporate report

UKHSA Advisory Board agenda

Updated 16 September 2024

Title of meeting: UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Advisory Board

Date: Tuesday 17 September 2024

Time: 1.30pm to 3.15pm

Venue: Birmingham offices

 Time     Agenda item                          Presenter    

Announcements, apologies and declarations of interest

To note apologies and declarations
Ian Peters
Matters arising

To agree note the action list and matters arising         
Ian Peters

Enclosure AB/24/033   

Chief Executive’s update

To note the update from the Chief Executive including key operational pressures, current infectious disease and health hazard responses, and forward look   
Dame Jenny Harries

Enclosure   AB/24/034        

Financial report

To receive an update on UKHSA’s financial position to date                                                                                                 
Luke Heath

Enclosure   AB/24/035           

Antimicrobial resistance programme

To discuss progress of the antimicrobial resistance programme and national action plan                                                                     
Susan Hopkins
Colin Brown

Enclosure   AB/24/036               

Technology strategy

To discuss implementation of UKHSA’s Technology Strategy    
Chris Coupland

Enclosure   AB/24/037              

Advisory Board committees

To receive verbal updates from latest committee meetings:
• Equalities, Ethics and Communities Committee (16 July 2024)
• People and Culture Committee (23 July 2024)
• Audit and Risk Committee (10 September 2024)
• Science and Research Committee (11 September 2024)

To note confirmed minutes of committee:
• Equalities, Ethics and Communities Committee (30 April 2024)
• People and Culture Committee (24 April 2024)
• Audit and Risk Committee (10 September 2024)

Graham Hart
Sir Gordon Messenger
Cindy Rampersaud
Jon Friedland

Enclosure AB/24/038
Enclosure AB/24/039
Enclosure AB/24/040


Questions from members of the public
To respond to any questions from members of the public  
Ian Peters
 9.  Forward look

To note the forward plan of Advisory Board discussions and the calendar of Board and committee meetings   
Ian Peters

Enclosure   AB/24/041   

Any other business and close  Ian Peters