Corporate report

UKHSA Advisory Board: Finance report

Updated 16 September 2024

Date: 17 September 2024

Sponsor: Luke Heath, Interim Chief Finance Officer

1. Purpose of the paper

This paper gives an overview of the UK Health Security Agency’s finances as at month 4 of financial year 2024 to 2025 (the end of July 2024).

2. Recommendations

The Advisory Board is asked to note UKHSA’s financial position.

3. Summary of 2024 to 2025 financial performance (at end of July)

The table below shows resource and capital departmental expenditure limits (RDEL and CDEL) for 2024 to 2025, split by the parts of:

  • core agency costs
  • COVID-19
  • non-COVID-19 vaccines and countermeasures and the COVID Vaccine Unit (CVU) Core agency costs; non-COVID vaccines and countermeasures and the CVU

Table 1. Month 4 resource departmental expenditure limits (RDEL) and capital departmental expenditure limits (CDEL)

Budget Actual Variance
Core RDEL   130,247    140,874   (10,627) 
NBN RDEL 959   2,349   (1,390) 
ODA RDEL   4,199   4,199   0
CVU RDEL   179,459   191,674 (12,216)
VCR RDEL  146,023 146,023   0
Core CDEL   20,804   12,014   8,789
NBN CDEL  0    657   (657)
CVU CDEL   0   0   0
VCR CDEL 4,143   4,413  0
UKHSA total resource   460,886 485,119 (24,233)
UKHSA total capital 24,946   16,814   8,133
UKHSA total   485,832   501,933   (16,100)

Table 2: Full year resource departmental expenditure limits (RDEL) and capital departmental expenditure limits (CDEL)

Budget Actual Variance
Core RDEL   390,407    409,137   (18,730)
NBN RDEL   8,730    8,501    229
ODA RDEL   11,905   11,905   0
CVU RDEL   928,000   709,761    218,239
VCR RDEL   674,410    674,410   0
Core CDEL   88,658   86,911    1,747
NBN CDEL   8,710   8,710   0 
CVU CDEL   0   (173,638)   173,638
VCR CDEL   109,972   109,972   0
UKHSA total resource  2,013,452   1,813,714   199,738
UKHSA total capital   207,340    31,955   175,385 
UKHSA total   2,220,792   1,845,669   375,123 

3.1 Core resource budget

The resource budget included day one pressures from over programming which were internally agreed through the business planning process. Further pressures have emerged including the decision to maintain Covid funded activities at £1million and invest £2million in Safe Cyber activities following recent NHS incidents. This results in a current forecast pressure of £18.7million.

Since the production of the M4 forecast there have been new pressures identified.  First, the announcement of public sector pay awards, and second, new savings targets set across the DHSC group as part of the Spending Review. This increases the forecast pressure to £36milion. The Executive Committee has met and agreed an approach to managing down the pressure, and further decisions will be taken throughout September following engagement with DHSC.

3.2 Core capital budget

Capital spend has an even profile in the year. While this is currently behind plan we expect, as in previous years, spend from major projects to be in the final quarter of the year. The budget allocation above includes an element of over programming, agreed with DHSC, of up to £20million which will be reviewed through the year.

3.3 CVU resource and capital budget

The CVU shows an underspend on resource budget of £218million. There is high confidence shown through current demand modelling that the budget allocation for the year set out at the last spending review will not be utilised. This forecast is subject to change based on Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation advice expected later in the year on the Spring and Autumn 2025 campaigns.

The capital credit forecast is generated by purchases from contracts agreed in the previous financial year and delivered in 2024 to 2025.

3.4 Vaccines and countermeasures resource and capital budget

This budget is wholly funded based on actual expenditure by DHSC.

4. Annual accounts 2023 to 2024

The second formal draft of UKHSA’s Annual Report and Accounts was prepared and presented for audit to the National Audit Office (NAO) on the 2 September 2024. Discussions are currently ongoing between UKHSA and NAO about a key audit decision, which could support UKHSA to lay its accounts on the 29 November 2024 certification date but have an impact on the type of audit opinion UKHSA may achieve on its accounts this year and the following year.

Overall, UKHSA and NAO teams have a shared understanding of the key areas of challenge for the current audit, and additional planning and active project management has been put in place for those areas.

Luke Heath

Interim Chief Finance Officer

September 2024