Under-registered groups and Individual Electoral Registration
The barriers to registration for these groups both under the current system and potentially arising from the implementation of IER.
Ensuring that the registers are as complete and accurate as possible and that levels of completeness and accuracy do not decline under Individual Electoral Registration (IER) is a key aim of the government. Previous research has shown that a number of groups are less likely to register to vote than others, for example, students and young people, some BME groups and recent home-movers.
This report presents the findings from a qualitative study which explores the barriers to registration for these groups both under the current system, and potentially arising from the implementation of IER. The aim of the research was to help us to identify ways in which these barriers may be overcome and inform the implementation plans for Individual Electoral Registration.
If you have any queries about this research please contact electoralregistration@cabinet-office.gsi.gov.uk.