United Kingdom drug situation: Focal Point annual report
Annual report and data tables from the UK Focal Point on Drugs on the national prevalence, impact, prevention and treatment of drug use.
The UK Focal Point on Drugs is interested in receiving feedback about the use and format of the new 2019 annual report. Please complete this short survey to help us improve future reports.
This annual report presents data, analysis and context on the drug situation across the UK.
It reports on:
- the prevalence of illegal drug use
- national and regional policy and legal framework
- prevention and treatment of drug use
- the drug situation in prisons
- drug-related deaths, disease and other harm
- the illegal drug market
The UK Focal Point on Drugs is based at Public Health England (PHE). It provides information on the drug situation in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The team works across government and is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
For annual reports published before 2016 please visit the UK Government Web Archive. To find out more about the UK Focal Point email ukfocalpoint@phe.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Tables 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 set back to original format before last update (2 December). Provisional 2019 data removed.
Corrected the age range to 16 to 64 for England and Wales in table 1.1 of the 2019 data tables.
Added a user survey on the 2019 annual report.
Added the 2019 annual report, summary and data tables.
Updated to publish the 2017 Focal Point annual report and data tables.
First published.