
Universal Credit: further information for families

An overview of what Universal Credit means for families and what they will be expected to do in return.



This guide provides information about what families need to know if they make a Universal Credit claim.

It includes information about the support available and the steps that you will be expected to take when you make a Universal Credit claim as a family. It covers:

  • how Universal Credit supports families
  • the help available with childcare costs
  • what you will be expected to do in return for receiving Universal Credit

Part of the Universal Credit toolkit for partner organisations.

Updates to this page

Published 28 March 2013
Last updated 18 December 2024 show all updates
  1. In section 3, Support for children: added that you should report a change in circumstances straight away if your child changes their course or training, or finishes or stops their course or training early.

  2. Added information about when your work-related activities may be temporarily reduced.

  3. If your child is over 16 and in education or training, at the end of July you’ll get a journal message in your online account explaining what you’ll need to do before 31 August.

  4. You could receive a maximum childcare payment of £1,014.63 for one child and £1,739.37 for 2 or more children.

  5. From 25 October 2023, if you are the lead carer of a child aged between 3 and 12, you will be expected to work up to 30 hours a week, or spend up to 30 hours a week on work related activities.

  6. Updated the maximum childcare payment you could receive with Universal Credit from £646.35 to £950.92 a month for one child and from £1,108.04 to £1,630.15 a month for 2 or more children.

  7. Added instruction to let your work coach know as soon as you accept a job offer, as you can claim support for your childcare costs for at least a month before you start work, for people with a youngest child aged between 3 and 12.

  8. Removed the wording 'You will not get a sanction if you cannot keep to your Claimant Commitment because of coronavirus (COVID-19)'.

  9. Removed references to Universal Credit full service and live service.

  10. Updated guidance to reflect that new claims to Universal Credit can now be made by households with more than 2 children.

  11. Added information about changes to Pension Credit for mixed age couples from 15 May 2019.

  12. Removed information about people over Pension Credit qualifying age published in error on 17 December 2018.

  13. Added information to section 6 about changes to the eligibility for Pension Credit and Universal Credit couple claims from 1 February 2019.

  14. Updated to show that Universal Credit is now available everywhere in Great Britain.

  15. Universal Credit live service telephone helpline opening hours changed to 9am to 4pm.

  16. Section 7 amended to add further information on capped hours.

  17. Updated guide with new 0800 freephone numbers for Universal Credit.

  18. Clarified information about reporting changes of circumstances, who can claim Universal Credit and how some people in Scotland can be paid.

  19. Updated to reflect changes to what is expected of lead carers in return for Universal Credit.

  20. Updated to reflect changes to Universal Credit from April 2016 (English only, Welsh to follow).

  21. Childcare information updated with the date that help with childcare fees increases to up to 85% under Universal Credit.

  22. Revised version (June 2015) includes information about what Universal Credit means for Kinship carers.

  23. Revised version with new information about the roll-out of Universal Credit.

  24. Revised version includes latest information about Universal Credit.

  25. Published new version of the guide.

  26. Updated to include the latest information about the expansion of Universal Credit

  27. Detail updated to include more information about the content of the document.

  28. First published.

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