Universal Credit implementation: government response
The government's response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on the implementation of Universal Credit.
On 5 February 2013, we published our response to the House of Commons Work and Pensions Select Committee report on Universal Credit implementation.
The central theme of the Work and Pension Select Committee’s report is that there is widespread support for the principles of welfare reform, the general direction of policy development, and the aim of strengthening incentives to work and facilitating the move from benefits to work.
However there is concern about the impact that the changes will have on claimants with complex needs, such as people with disabilities, homeless people and those that struggle to manage their finances.
The committee’s report set out detailed recommendations for 6 areas of Universal Credit: service delivery, claims and payments, Universal Credit entitlement, calculation of income, implications of other policy changes, and the implementation programme.
Our response sets out our commitment to protect those who are in vulnerable circumstances or who may face challenges in dealing with a new system.
We have has responded to each of the recommendations in these areas.