Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletters
These Universal Credit newsletters are published quarterly and provide information to social and private landlords about Universal Credit.
If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of this newsletter, let your strategic landlord representative know.
If you don’t have a strategic landlord representative, email: uc.strategiclandlordengagement@dwp.gov.uk
Newsletters prior to June 2018 are also available by email: uc.strategiclandlordengagement@dwp.gov.uk
Updates to this page
August 2019 newsletter: removed third party payments contact centre phone number and replaced it with the email address.
Updated the content in Section 5 – Third Party Payments Schedules (of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) newsletter) as DWP are currently unable to action requests to change the method of delivery of payment schedules to an electronic format.
Added Coronavirus (COVID-19) Universal Credit Landlord Engagement Newsletter. English and Welsh version.
Added the Universal Credit: landlord engagement newsletter - January 2020.
Added the Universal Credit: landlord engagement newsletter - August 2019.
Updated the May 2019 newsletter to explain that the Universal Credit housing costs and disclosure guide for landlords has been removed from GOV.UK to correct some out of date content.
Added the latest Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletter (May 2019).
February Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletter added.
Removed information relating to the 53 week year and Universal Credit from the October 2018 landlord engagement newsletter.
October Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletter added.
Added Welsh Universal Credit landlord engagement newsletters.
First published.