Unmanned Aircraft Systems (JDP 0-30.2)
Joint Doctrine Publication 0-30.2 describes the use of unmanned aircraft systems at the operational level.
Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 0-30.2, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Change 1) describes the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) at the operational level, while recognising that platform capability is provided by the individual services.
It includes UK and NATO terminology and definitions related to the operation of unmanned aircraft, and describes how each aircraft type is classified by size and capability.
Change 1 makes it clear that the UK operates UAS in compliance with national and international law.
Who should read this publication
The guidance contained in JDP 0-30.2 is applicable to all joint and single-Service personnel and civilians employed in duties relating to procuring, operating and supporting unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems.
The JDP may also serve as a guide on UK military thinking to politicians, the media and the general public as well as increasing transparency on UK unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft capability and operation.