
Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery) financial services hearings and register 2009 to 2013

Updated 5 July 2024

Applies to England and Wales

Reference number Date received Applicant v Respondent Hearing type Hearing details Outcome
FS/2013/0015 19 Dec 2013 Peter Thomas Carron v FCA Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 25 Mar 2014, 10:30am Vacated
Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 28 Jul 2014, 10:30am Vacated/reference struck out
FS/2013/0014 28 Nov 2013 VerdePlanet Ltd v TPR Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Mar 2014, 10:30am
Application Court 24, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 12 Jan 2015, 10:30am Application to reinstate the reference has been withdrawn
FS/2013/0013 28 Nov 2013 Yateley Industries for the Disabled Ltd v TPR Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Mar 2014, 10:30am
Application Court 24, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 12 Jan 2015, 10:30am Application to reinstate the reference has been withdrawn
FS/2013/0012 20 Nov 2013 Privacy Application v FCA Date/time: To be fixed Withdrawn
FS/2013/0011 18 Oct 2013 Noel Norbert Walker t/a Walkers Financial Planning v FCA Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Sep 2014, 10:30am Withdrawn
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 21 Oct 2014 to 24 Oct 2014, 10:30am Vacated
FS/2013/0010 14 Oct 2013 Achilles Macris v FCA Case management Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 18 Jun 2015, 10:30am Preliminary issue decided in applicant’s favour. Permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal granted on preliminary issue.
Preliminary matter 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 24 Feb 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed by order of the Supreme Court
FS/2013/0009 12 Sep 2013 Andrew Wilkins v FCA Continuation hearing Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 11 Mar 2015 to 12 Mar 2015, 10:30am
Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 28 Jan 2015 to 6 Feb 2015, 10:30am
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 Oct 2015, 10:30am
FS/2013/0008 11 Sep 2013 Timothy Alan Roberts v FCA Continuation hearing Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 11 Mar 2015 to 12 Mar 2015, 10:30am
Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 28 Jan 2015 to 6 Feb 2015, 10:30am
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 Oct 2014, 10:30am
FS/2013/0007 29 Jul 2013 Straight Talk Financial Planning Ltd v FCA Date/time: Not required Withdrawn
FS/2013/0006 3 Jul 2013 Ingram Graham Ltd v FCA Date/time: Not required Withdrawn
FS/2013/0005 21 Jun 2013 Bayliss & Co (Financial Services) Ltd v FCA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 27 Oct 2014 to 29 Oct 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 30 Sep 2013, 10:30am Hearing vacated
FS/2013/0004 21 Jun 2013 Clive John Rosier v FCA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 10 Apr 2014 to 16 Apr 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 30 Sep 2013, 10:30am
FS/2013/0003 24 Apr 2013 Tariq Carrimjee v FCA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 Sep 2014 to 17 Sep 2014, 10:30am Reference allowed in part. Matter remitted to the authority
FS/2013/0002 28 Mar 2013 Amir Khan v FSA Directions George House, 126 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4HH Date/time: 17 Sep 2013, 2:00pm Directions issued
Substantive George House, 126 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4HH Date/time: 27 Jan 2014 to 28 Jan 2014, 10:00am Dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal refused
FS/2013/0001 7 Mar 2013 Rahul Shah v FSA Withdrawn
FS/2012/0024 21 Dec 2012 Angela Burns v FSA Privacy application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 21 Mar 2013 Decision issued
Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 22 Nov 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 3 Mar 2014, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 29 Sep 2014 to 3 Oct 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0023 7 Nov 2012 Sam Kenny v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 19 Dec 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 17 Mar 2015 to 30 Mar 2015 Vacated
FS/2012/0022 12 Oct 2012 Robert Addison v FSA Application Date/time: 19 Nov 2012 Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 19 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 May 2014 to 21 May 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0021 12 Oct 2012 Robin Farrell v FSA Application Date/time: 19 Nov 2012 Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 19 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 May 2014 to 21 May 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0020 12 Oct 2012 Arch Financial Products LLP v FSA Application Date/time: 19 Nov 2012 Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 19 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 May 2014 to 21 May 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0019 20 Aug 2012 Stephen Robert Allen v FSA Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 21 Nov 2012, 10:30am Directions
Application 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 30 May 2013, 10:30am Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 3 Feb 2014 to 7 Feb 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0018 3 Aug 2012 Privacy application v FSA Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0017 18 Jun 2012 Privacy application v FSA Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0015 15 May 2012 Dynamic Decisions Capital Management v FSA Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 Oct 2013, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Mar 2014 to 7 Apr 2014, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0016 15 May 2012 Alberto Micalizzi v FSA Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 Oct 2013, 10:30am Reference dismissed
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 30 Jan 2014, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Mar 2014 to 7 Apr 2014, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0014 18 Apr 2012 Anthony Verrier v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 Sep 2013 to 27 Sep 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 10 Feb 2014 to 13 Feb 2014, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0013 26 Mar 2012 Ian Charles Hannam v FSA Substantive 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 2 Jul 2013 to 11 Jul 2013, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2012/0012 12 Mar 2012 Ewa Karczewska v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 14 Jan 2013, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0011 28 Feb 2012 Patrick Francis O'Donnell & P3 Wealth Management Ltd v FSA Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0009 17 Feb 2012 George Leavey v FSA Substantive: vacated 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Feb 2013 to 15 Feb 2013, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0010 17 Feb 2012 Privacy Application v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 May 2012, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0008 10 Feb 2012 John Blake v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Nov 2012, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2012/0007 6 Feb 2012 Jonathan Milroy Townrow v FSA Directions / Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 2 Oct 2012, 10:30am Permission refused to appeal to Court of Appeal. Reference struck out
Directions / Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 Aug 2012, 10:30am Postponed
FS/2012/0006 25 Jan 2012 Sidney Clifford Cordle & Scott Briscoe Ltd v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 Nov 2012 to 7 Nov 2012, 10:30am Permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal refused. Decision to reject applications upheld.
FS/2012/0001 17 Jan 2012 ITV plc (Interested Third Party) Box Clever Trustees Ltd v PR Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 29 January - 09 February 2018, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal granted
Directions Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 27 Mar 2012, 10:30am Directions issued
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 25 Sep 2013, 10:30am Directions issued
Strike out Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 27 Mar 2012, 10:30am Strike out application dismissed
FS/2012/0002 FS/2012/0002 Granada Uk Rental & Retail Ltd (Interested Third Party) Box Clever Trustees Ltd v PR Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 29 January - 09 February 2018, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal granted
Directions See FS/2012/0001 Date/time: See FS/2012/0001, 10:30am Directions issued
FS/2012/0003 17 Jan 2012 Granada Media Ltd & Retail Ltd (Interested Third Party) Box Clever Trustees Ltd v PR Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 29 January - 09 February 2018, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal granted
Directions See FS/2012/0001 Date/time: See FS/2012/0001, 10:30am Directions issued
FS/2012/0004 17 Jan 2012 Granada Media Ltd & Retail Ltd (Interested Third Party) Box Clever Trustees Ltd v PR Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 29 January - 09 February 2018, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal granted
Directions See FS/2012/0001 Date/time: See FS/2012/0001, 10:30am Directions issued
FS/2012/0005 17 Jan 2012 Granada Media Ltd & Retail Ltd (Interested Third Party) Box Clever Trustees Ltd v PR Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 29 January - 09 February 2018, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal granted
Directions See FS/2012/0001 Date/time: See FS/2012/0001, 10:30am Directions Issued
FS/2011/0030 30 Dec 2011 MGA Capital Ltd v FSA Reference withdrawn 17 Jan 2012
FS/2011/0031 14 Dec 2011 Martin Edward Rigney v FSA 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 4 Mar 2013 to 6 Mar 2013, 10:30am Reference withdrawn 24 Sep 2012
FS/2011/0029 5 Dec 2011 Mark Anthony Hurst Ainley v FSA 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Mar 2012 to 28 Mar 2012, 10:30am Reference withdrawn 19 Mar 2012
FS/2011/0026 1 Dec 2011 Pave Financial Management Ltd v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 22 May 2012, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Jan 2013 to 18 Jan 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 May 2013 to 4 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated: reference withdrawn 13 Mar 2013
FS/2011/0027 1 Dec 2011 Stephen Michael Hocking v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 22 May 2012, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Jan 2013 to 18 Jan 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 May 2013 to 4 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated: reference withdrawn 13 Mar 2013
FS/2011/0028 1 Dec 2011 Timothy Simon Pattison v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 22 May 2012, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Jan 2013 to 18 Jan 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 23 May 2013 to 4 Jun 2013, 10:30am Vacated: reference withdrawn 13 Mar 2013
FS/2011/0025 10 Nov 2011 Martin Russell Lafrance v FSA Reference withdrawn 18 Jan 2012
FS/2011/0024 3 Nov 2011 Jonathan Milroy Townrow v FSA Reference rejected: no jurisdiction. File closed 15 Nov 2011
FS/2011/0023 28 Sep 2011 Anthanass Stefanopoulos v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Apr 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0022 12 Aug 2011 Michael Lee Thommes v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 29 Aug 2012 to 30 Aug 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed 12 Dec 2012
FS/2011/0020 1 Aug 2011 Mark Anthony Financial Management v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Mar 2012 to 28 Mar 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0021 1 Aug 2011 Mark Anthony Hurst Ainley v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Mar 2012 to 28 Mar 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0019 24 Jun 2011 Westwood Independent Financial Planners v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 8 Apr 2013 to 19 Apr 2013, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0017 1 Jun 2011 7722656 Canada Inc (formerly carrying on business as Swift Trade Inc) v FSA Application hearing Date/time: 19 Jul 2011 Postponed
Application hearing Date/time: 20 Jul 2011 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Jun 2012 to 22 Jun 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal refused.
FS/2011/0018 1 Jun 2011 Peter Beck (Third Party: 7722656 Canada Inc) v FSA Application hearing Date/time: 19 Jul 2011 Postponed
Application hearing Date/time: 20 Jul 2011 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 11 Jun 2012 to 22 Jun 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Application for permission to appeal to Court of Appeal refused.
FS/2011/0016 19 May 2011 Patrick Edwards t/a Edwards Associates v FSA Withdrawn 7 Jun 2012
FS/2011/0015 13 May 2011 Raymond Wagner v FSA Directions hearing 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Dec 2011, 2:00pm Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Jul 2012, 10:30am Disposed of by consent order
FS/2011/0009 18 Apr 2011 John James Quarrell v FSA Directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
FS/2011/0010 18 Apr 2011 John James Quarrell v Pensions Regulator Out of time and directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
FS/2011/0011 18 Apr 2011 Susan Beaumont v FSA Directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
FS/2011/0012 18 Apr 2011 Susan Beaumont v Pension Regulator Out of time and directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
FS/2011/0013 19 Apr 2011 Susan Beaumont v Pension Regulator Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
Directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
FS/2011/0014 19 Apr 2011 The Freedom SIPP Ltd v FSA Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
Out of time and directions Date/time: 12 Jul 2011 Directions
Strike out 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 18 Jul 2012, 10:30am Struck out
FS/2011/0007 30 Mar 2011 Stuart Unwin v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 25 Apr 2012 to 26 Apr 2012, 10:30am Hearing vacated
FS/2011/0006 24 Mar 2011 Stephen Allen v FSA Strike out application Date/time: 27 Jul 2011 Reference struck out
FS/2011/0008 23 Mar 2011 Derek W Wright v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 9 Feb 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0005 27 Jan 2011 Patrick Sejean v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Apr 2012 to 23 Apr 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0003 21 Jan 2011 Abdul Razzaq v FSA Pre trial review 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 27 Oct 2011, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Apr 2012 to 28 Apr 2012, 10:30am Postponed
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 21 Jan 2013 to 23 Jan 2013, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal refused
FS/2011/0004 21 Jan 2011 Abdul Razzaq t/a RSA Mortgage Services v FSA Pre trial review 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 27 Oct 2011, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Apr 2012 to 28 Apr 2012, 10:30am Postponed
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 21 Jan 2013 to 23 Jan 2013, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal refused
FS/2011/0001 19 Jan 2011 Cheickh Tidiane Diallo v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Apr 2012 to 23 Apr 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2011/0002 19 Jan 2011 Stefan Chaligne v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Apr 2012 to 23 Apr 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0040 31 Dec 2010 David K Sime & Elmswood. EU Ltd v FSA Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 9 Nov 2011 to 10 Nov 2011 Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0039 20 Dec 2010 Andrew Jeffery v FSA Directions Date/time: 27 Jun 2011 Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 13 Feb 2012, 10:30am Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 3 Dec 2012 to 21 Dec 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed. Application for permission to appeal to Court of Appeal refused
FS/2010/0037 30 Nov 2010 Ghanshyam Sarup Batra v FSA Directions Date/time: 29 Sep 2011 Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 10 May 2012, 10:30am Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Jan 2013 to 18 Jan 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 28 Feb 2013, 2:00pm Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 May 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 5 Nov 2013 to 7 Nov 2013, 10:30am Dismissed
FS/2010/0038 30 Nov 2010 Antony L Davies: First Financial Advisers Ltd v FSA Substantive hearing Date/time: 12 Mar 2012 to 14 Mar 2012 Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0036 25 Nov 2010 Privacy application v FSA Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0035 9 Nov 2010 Riaz MSB Ltd v FSA Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0034 5 Nov 2010 Paul Maguire v FSA
FS/2010/0033 28 Oct 2010 John Pottage 3 interested third parties v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 13 Oct 2011, 10:30am Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 14 Nov 2011, 16 Nov 2011 to 2 Dec 2011, 10:30am Reference allowed
FS/2010/0032 27 Oct 2010 Hemdale Financial Management Ltd v FSA Withdrawn Withdrawn
FS/2010/0029 25 Oct 2010 Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in Administration), Lehman Brothers Europe Ltd (in Administration), Lehman Brothers UK Holdings Ltd (in Administration) and Lehman Brothers Holdings plc (in Administration) v Pensions Regulator Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 Mar 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Jul 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
FS/2010/0030 25 Oct 2010 Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in Administration), Lehman Brothers Europe Ltd (in Administration), Lehman Brothers UK Holdings Ltd (in Administration) and Lehman Brothers Holdings plc (in Administration) v Pensions Regulator Substantive Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 2 Feb 2015 to 20 Feb 2015 Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 Mar 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Jul 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Substantive Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 2 Feb 2015 to 20 Feb 2015 Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
FS/2010/0031 25 Oct 2010 The Trustees of the Lehman Brothers Pension Scheme v Pensions Regulator Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 Mar 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Case management 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Jul 2014, 10:30am Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
Substantive Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 2 Feb 2015 to 20 Feb 2015 Hearing vacated. Reference withdrawn, settled by consent
FS/2010/0028 19 Sep 2010 Thomas Reeh v FSA Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 Sep 2011, 10:30am Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 Jun 2012 to 13 Jun 2012 and 20 Jun 2012, 22 Jun 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0027 14 Sep 2010 Steven Andrew Hemmings v FSA
FS/2010/0026 10 Sep 2010 Christopher Ollerenshaw v FSA Directions hearing 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 Sep 2011, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 6 Jun 2012 to 13 Jun 2012 and 20 Jun 2012 to 22 Jun 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0025 23 Aug 2010 Laila Karan v FSA Preliminary 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 9 Nov 2010 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Dec 2012 to 22 Dec 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0024 19 Aug 2010 Mr David John Hobbs v FSA Directions hearing Date/time: 20 Apr 2011 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 25 Jun 2012 to 29 Jun 2012, 10:30am Allowed. Permission to appeal to Court of Appeal: refused. Remitted from Court of Appeal to Upper Tribunal
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 26 Nov 2013, 10:30am Dismissed
FS/2010/0021 6 Aug 2010 Privacy application v FSA Preliminary Date/time: 9 Nov 2010 Directions. Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0022 6 Aug 2010 Privacy application v FSA Preliminary Date/time: 9 Nov 2010 Directions. Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0020 5 Aug 2010 Jaspreet AhuJa 1 interested party v FSA Preliminary Date/time: 9 Nov 2010 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Dec 2012 to 22 Dec 2012, 10:30am Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0023 4 Aug 2010 Mr Alaba Adebajo v FSA Reference struck out
FS/2010/0019 2 Aug 2010 Sachin Karpe 1 interested Party v FSA Preliminary Date/time: 9 Nov 2010 Directions
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 7 Dec 2012 to 22 Dec 2012, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0016 23 Jul 2010 Nortel Networks AG & Others v Pensions Regulator Case management Court 24, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 23 Jun 2016, 10:30am Hearing vacated
FS/2010/0017 23 Jul 2010 Nortel GmbH & Others v Pensions Regulator Case management Court 24, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 23 Jun 2016, 10:30am Hearing vacated
FS/2010/0018 21 Jul 2010 James Perman & Company v FSA Directions George House, 126 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4HH Date/time: 14 Mar 2011, 10:00am Directions
Substantive George House, 126 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4HH Date/time: 14 Jul 2011, 10:00am Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0015 13 Jul 2010 Mr David John Bedford v FSA Substantive Date/time: 25 Jul 2011 Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0014 2 Jul 2010 Mr Jason Anthony Geddis v FSA Substantive Date/time: 6 Jul 2012 to 8 Jul 2012 Reference allowed
FS/2010/0013 1 Jul 2010 Ngozika Louise Ogburu (J N Finance (UK) Ltd) v FSA Withdrawn
FS/2010/0010 15 Jun 2010 Garvin Trustees Ltd v Pensions Regulator Case management Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 23 Mar 2015, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 5 May 2015 to 22 May 2012, 10:30am References inactive
Substantive Date/time: 7 Feb 2011 to 8 Feb 2011 Decision
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 31 Mar 2014, 10:30am Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 31 Oct 2014, 10:30am Directions
FS/2010/0011 15 Jun 2010 v Pensions Regulator Case management Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL Date/time: 23 Mar 2015, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Date/time: 5 May 2015 to 22 May 2012, 10:30am References inactive
Substantive Date/time: 7 Feb 2011, 8 Feb 2011 Decision
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 31 Mar 2014, 10:30am Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 31 Oct 2014, 10:30am Directions
FS/2010/0009 14 Jun 2010 Mr Stephen Foster v FSA Disposed of by consent order
FS/2010/0012 14 Jun 2010 Mohammad Karim (M-K Insurance Services) v FSA Substantive Date/time: 15 Mar 2011 Dismissed
FS/2010/0007 21 May 2010 Mr Michel Van De Wiele NV v Pensions Regulator Disposed of by consent order
FS/2010/0008 17 May 2010 Mr Vijay Kumar Sharma v FSA Strike out hearing Date/time: 22 Nov 2010 Reference struck out
FS/2010/0006 6 May 2010 Mr Michiel Wieger Visser v FSA Directions Date/time: 4 Aug 2010 Directions issued
Substantive Date/time: 28 Feb 2011 to 11 Mar 2011 Reference dismissed
FS/2010/0005 27 Apr 2010 Mr Mark Thorogood T/A Property Park Mortgages v FSA Reference struck out
FS/2010/0002 6 Apr 2010 Futture Finance Ltd v FSA Substantive cancelled Date/time: 9 Aug 2011 to 10 Aug 2011 Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0003 6 Apr 2010 Mr Selvavinayakam Vigneswaran v FSA Substantive cancelled Date/time: 9 Aug 2011 to 10 Aug 2011 Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0004 6 Apr 2010 Mr Selvavinayakam Vadivelu v FSA Substantive cancelled Date/time: 9 Aug 2011 to 10 Aug 2011 Reference withdrawn
FS/2010/0001 1 Apr 2010 Mr Oluwole Fagbulu v FSA Substantive Date/time: 28 Feb 2011 to 11 Mar 2011 Reference dismissed
FIN/2010/0005 25 Mar 2010 Mr Jay Rutland v FSA Substantive Date/time: 5 Sep 2011 to 9 Sep 2011 Postponed
Substantive Date/time: 15 Mar 2012 to 17 Mar 2012 Postponed
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 2 Jul 2012 to 4 Jul 2012, 10:30am Withdrawn
FIN/2010/0006 25 Mar 2010 Mr Barry Williams v FSA Substantive Date/time: 25 Oct 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2010/0004 24 Mar 2010 Mr Alistair Curren/B -Assure Financial Services Ltd v FSA Substantive George House, 126 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4HH Date/time: 14 Jan 2011, 11:00am Dismissed
FIN/2010/0002 4 Mar 2010 Ms Nazi Bi v FSA Pre-hearing review Date/time: 21 Oct 2010 Direction issued
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Jun 2011 to 2 Jun 2011, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FIN/2010/0003 4 Mar 2010 Mr Qadeem Mohammed v FSA Pre-hearing review Date/time: 21 Oct 2010 Direction issued
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 1 Jun 2011 to 2 Jun 2011, 10:30am Reference dismissed
FIN/2010/0001 24 Feb 2010 Mr Fred Clark-Baptiste v FSA Withdrawn
FIN/2009/0024 22 Dec 2009 Mr David Massey v FSA Pre-hearing review Date/time: 3 Jun 2010 Direction issued
Substantive Date/time: 6 Dec 2010 to 10 Dec 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2009/0025 22 Dec 2009 Mr Mandeep Panesar v FSA Substantive Date/time: 13 Sep 2010 to 14 Sep 2010 Reference allowed
FIN/2009/0023 21 Dec 2009 Hemdale Financial Management Ltd v FSA Directions Date/time: 2 Jul 2010
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 29 Nov 2010, 10:30am Withdrawn
FIN/2009/0020 28 Sep 2009 Mr William Coppin v FSA Withdrawn
FIN/2009/0019 9 Sep 2009 Mr Perry Bliss v FSA Directions Date/time: 12 Oct 2010
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 Dec 2010, 10:30am Hearing cancelled: Reference withdrawn (13 Dec 2010)
FIN/2009/0016 25 Aug 2009 Mr Andre Scerri v FSA Substantive Date/time: 21 May 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2009/0015 12 Aug 2009 Photo Me International v FSA Withdrawn
FIN/2009/0014 27 Jul 2009 Neale Morton IMS Ltd v FSA Reference struck out
FIN/2009/0011 20 Jul 2009 Mr Paul Cable v FSA Substantive Date/time: 20 Sep 2010 to 22 Sep 2010 Withdrawn
FIN/2009/0010 10 Jul 2009 Mr Tarlochan Singh - t/a Ocean Mortgages v FSA Substantive Date/time: 8 Apr 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2009/0007 10 Jun 2009 Andrew Lawrence Greystroke v FSA Substantive Date/time: 1 Mar 2010 to 12 Mar 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2009/0008 10 Jun 2009 Atlantic Law LLP v FSA Substantive Date/time: 1 Mar 2010 to 12 Mar 2010 Reference dismissed
FIN/2008/0026 19 Dec 2008 Mortgage 10 Ltd v FSA Directions Date/time: 29 Sep 2011 Reference struck out
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 10 May 2012, 10:30am
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 16 Jan 2013 to 18 Jan 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 28 Feb 2013, 2:00pm Directions
Directions 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 15 May 2013, 10:30am Vacated
Substantive 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 5 Nov 2013 to 7 Nov 2013, 10:30am Reference struck out
FIN/2008/0016 22 Jul 2008 Mr Simon Eagle v FSA Withdrawn
Reinstatement hearing Date/time: 21 Apr 2011 Reinstatement dismissed
FIN/2008/0011 16 Jul 2008 Mr Graham Betton v FSA Substantive Date/time: 26 Jul 2010 to 30 Jul 2010 Part-heard
Substantive Date/time: 7 Sep 2010
FIN/2006/0015 17 Oct 2006 Fox Hayes LLP v FSA Substantive Date/time: 29 Mar 2010 to 30 Mar 2010 Reference allowed in part
Principle concerning disgorgement hearing 45 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DN Date/time: 12 May 2011, 10:30am