Contact information and forms
Updated 25 April 2019

1. General enquiry information
Information about the ways to contact the PCA if you have a general enquiry and get information about whether your issue is covered by the Pubs Code
2. Contact details for Code Compliance Officers (CCOs)
Contact details for the Code Compliance Officer of each regulated pub company
3. Pubs Code arbitration referral service
Information about when and how to make a Pubs Code referral
4. Market Rent Only (MRO) notification form template
A link to information about when tied tenants can request to go free-of-tie and an MRO notification form
5. Appointing an Independent Assessor - criteria and referral form
If you need to give notice to the PCA of a failure of the parties to agree on the appointment of an Independent Assessor (to determine the market rent as part of a Market Rent Only Option), please complete the form and send it to
6. PCA MRO Questionnaire
Please complete the questionnaire if you are a tenant who has received a Market Rent Only (MRO) proposal from your pub company since the Pubs Code came into force.
7. Reporting information to the PCA in confidence
The PCA want to encourage people from all areas of the industry to speak to us about their experiences with the Pubs Code, and gain insight into how the Pubs Code is working in practice.
Please send all Pubs Code intelligence to: