User guide to drug misuse statistics
Provides classifications, conventions used and other background information on the drug misuse releases.
Applies to England and Wales
This user guide to is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes on the drug misuse releases.
Updates to this page
Updated to accompany release of 'Drug misuse: findings from the 2018 to 2019 CSEW '.
Updated to accompany release of 'Drug misuse: findings from the 2017 to 2018 CSEW'.
Updated to accompany publication of 'Drug misuse: findings from the 2016 to 2017 CSEW'.
Updated to accompany publication of 'Drug misuse: findings from the 2015 to 2016 CSEW'.
Updated User Guide to accompany Drug Misuse: Findings from the 2014/15 Crime Survey for England and Wales
Updated 24 July 2014 to accompany 'Drug misuse: findings from the 2013 to 2014 CSEW'.
Updated July 2013.
First published.