Using the ESF logo
Published 14 July 2011
Applies to England
This publication is withdrawn
The European Social Fund (ESF) programme for 2007 to 2013 in England and Gibraltar has closed. For funding from 2014 to 2020, apply for European Structural and Investment Funds.
Organisations receiving European Social Fund (ESF) or match funds must comply with the information and publicity regulatory requirements of the European Union (EU) and the England ESF programme. This includes a requirement to display the ESF logo and acknowledge EU support.
Where to use the logo
Use of the logo includes, but is not restricted to:
- advertisements, press releases and similar material
- literature used by or aimed at participants, potential participants, stakeholders, partners and wider audiences including members of the public
- ESF programme documents
- documents related to project delivery, including any attendance or other certificates related to the administration of the ESF or match funded activity
- any other information or publicity materials, including websites, electronic communications, newsletters and correspondence
Please read the ESF Logo Guidelines 2007 to 2013 (on the main logo guidance page) to make sure you publicise ESF and EU support in a consistent way. The guidelines include:
- the colours to use
- recommended minimum size
- examples of how to use the logo
The logo strapline
The logo strapline is ‘Investing in jobs and skills’. Don’t use anything else.

Using the logo on websites
The ESF logo and a reference to EU support must be used on the websites of all providers and sub-contractors running ESF or match funded projects.
We recommend that you place the logo on your website homepage – particularly if ESF provides 25% or more of your organisation’s current funding or income. You should also include it on all website pages that relate to your ESF project’s funding or activity.
If ESF is less than 25% of your overall funding then, as a minimum, feature the logo and a reference to EU support on website pages that deal mainly with ESF project funding or activity.
If you have partner or funder pages, consider using the ESF logo on them, with brief details of the ESF support, if space is available.
Using other logos
As well as using the ESF logo on all publicity materials and project documents, you may be required by the terms of your funding contract to display your funder’s logo or another logo. Other guidance includes:
- DWP brand guidelines
- the Mayor of London publicity requirements for the ESF programme (on the main logo guidance page)
Acknowledging EU support
Include an acknowledgement of EU support alongside the logo wherever possible. As a minimum, please include the words “This project is part-financed by the European Union.”
Depending on the type of communication and space available, you could extend this – for example with:
- a brief description of the activity being delivered
- the key message that “ESF in England is investing in jobs and skills – focusing on people who need support the most and helping them fulfil their potential”