Report your medical condition (form V1)
Report certain types of visual conditions to DVLA if you're a car driver or motorcyclist.
Use this form to report these medical conditions:
- blepharospasm
- diplopia (double vision)
- glaucoma
- nyctalopia (night blindness)
- retinitis pigmentosa
- visual field defects
- other related conditions
Check the list of health conditions if yours isn’t listed.
Use a different form to report these conditions if you have a lorry, bus or coach licence.
Find out what happens after you tell DVLA.
Updates to this page
PDF and ODT updated.
Updated pdf and odt.
The following conditions have been removed: * branch retinal vein occlusion * cataracts * hemianopia * macular degeneration * nystagmus * optic atrophy * optic neuritis * reduced visual acuityretinitis pigmentosa * retinal treatment * retinopathy * tunnel vision * usher syndrome
Updated PDF.
Updated PDF
Update to Welsh form
PDF updated
PDF updated
Update to Welsh PDF
English PDF updated.
PDF updated
Added translation
PDF updated
updated V1 form - confidential medical information
PDF updated
Updated pdf.
Changes have been made at questions 3g, details field has been added.
Changes have been made at questions 3g, word ‘injections’ added at 'IF YES' to mirror question.
Changes have been made to questions 3f and 3g.
Changes have been made at questions 3b and 9, the DVLA logo has also been updated
Original question 4 has been removed
First published.