
Vaccine safety and adverse events following immunisation: the green book, chapter 8

Information for public health professionals on immunisation.


Vaccine safety and adverse events following immunisation: the green book, chapter 8

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Chapter 8 update patches

Vaccines induce protection by eliciting active immune responses to specific antigens. There may be predictable adverse reactions (side effects): most are mild and resolve quickly. However, it is not always possible to predict individuals who might have a mild or serious reaction to a vaccine. The advice in this chapter uses the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs).

Updates to this page

Published 20 March 2013
Last updated 22 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Changes to Chapter 8, Vaccine safety and adverse events following immunisation - November 2024: Updates to the WHO definitions of adverse events following immunisation. Updates to immunisation error and vaccine product adverse event sections. New paragraphs defining anxiety related adverse events and vaccine product quality adverse events. Changes to managing common vaccine-induced AEFIs to include management fever following (Bexsero) 4CMenB vaccine administration. Changes to the section on thiomersal to clarify that this is no longer used in vaccines routinely administered to children. New section on hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes following vaccination. Extensive re-write of the section on recognition and management of anaphylaxis. References updated.

  2. First published.

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