Vaccine update: issue 302, November 2019, virus special edition
Latest developments in vaccines, vaccination policies and procedures for immunisation practitioners.
The virus special edition features:
- The BBVU, Virus Reference Department, NIS Colindale
- BBVU activities supporting the HBV vaccine programme
- The IDU, Virus Reference Department, Colindale
- measles and rubella testing
- specialised testing
- differential diagnosis of rash illness
- measles research and development work
- The Polio Reference Service, Virus Reference Department, Colindale
- The Respiratory Virus Unit, Virus Reference Department, NIS Colindale
- Tetanus Greenbook chapter update
- management of tetanus prone wounds: aide memoires
- latest PPV coverage report
- changes to the infant PCV schedule taking place in early 2020
- a visual guide to vaccines poster
- vaccine supply for the 2019 to 2020 flu programme
- changes to the maternal pertussis programme
- Christmas and New Year vaccine deliveries notice
- ordering additional Gardasil for the universal HPV immunisation programme
- update to Bexsero Patient Information Leaflet
- MMR vaccine ordering
- The EU FMD and Delegated Regulation as applicable to PHE supplied vaccines for the national immunisation programme