Vaccine update: issue 304, January 2020
Latest developments in vaccines, vaccination policies and procedures for immunisation practitioners.
The January edition contains:
- has your patient moved to the UK? - migrant health resources
- HPV vaccine drives cancer-causing infections down to very low levels
- HPV vaccination in schools – going from strength to strength
- Green book chapters published
- expiry dates for Fluenz Tetra® issued for the 2019/20 children’s programme
- children’s flu vaccine for 2019/20
- all influenza vaccines for the 2019/20 season
- Maternal Pertussis programme - change to dTaP/IPV vaccine
- PCV13 schedule change reminder
- update to Bexsero Patient Information Leaflet
- MMR vaccine ordering
- The EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) and Delegated Regulation as applicable to PHE supplied vaccines for the national immunisation programme
- have your say on GOV.UK! Survey