Vaccine update: issue 309, June 2020
Latest developments in vaccines, vaccination policies and procedures for immunisation practitioners.
The June issue features:
- school-age vaccinations: sharing best practice
- sKIDS school surveillance update
- expansion of translated resources
- Meningitis Research Foundation launches ‘Vaccines Are Vital’ campaign
- vaccine coverage report published
- guidance on immunisation training during the COVID-19 pandemic
- vaccine supply
- routine vaccination programme
- ImmForm web address has changed
- registering for a new or updating your existing ImmForm vaccine ordering account
- loss of vaccines in 2019
- are you reporting vaccine wastage on ImmForm?
- PCV13 schedule change reminder
- Maternal Pertussis programme – Change to dTaP/IPV vaccine
- update to Bexsero Patient Information Leaflet
- MMR vaccine ordering
- The EU Falsified Medicines Directive