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Vaccine update: issue 323, June 2021
Latest developments in vaccines, vaccination policies and procedures for immunisation practitioners.
The June 2021 issue features:
- England is a world leader in childhood vaccinations
- top 10 tips for increasing vaccine uptake
- impact of COVID-19 on childhood vaccination
- meningitis B guidance updated
- revised Rotavirus vaccine Patient Group Direction (PGD)
- revised MenACWY vaccine PGD
- social media cards for university students
- learning disability week – resources and videos
- revised Green Book of Immunisation, chapter 2 on consent
- PPV23 vaccine for the pneumococcal programme is now supplied by Public Health England (PHE)
- viper antivenom has changed
- change to dTaP/IPV vaccine for both the preschool booster and maternal pertussis dTaP/IPV programmes
- update to Bexsero patient information leaflet
- MMR vaccine ordering
- the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) and delegated regulation as applicable to PHE-supplied vaccines for the national immunisation programme
- registering or updating ImmForm vaccine ordering accounts and reporting long-term changes to opening hours
- Movianto UK update on delivery drivers
- vaccine supply for routine vaccination programmes
- vaccine supply for the non-routine programme