
VAPC east Midlands: meeting minutes 16 May 2022

Updated 9 July 2024


Monday 16 May 2022


Prince William of Gloucester Barracks


  • Barry Smith (Chair)
  • Richard Hurwood (Vice-Chair/Health Lead)
  • Michael Whitehead (Communications Lead)
  • Karen Cox (KC)
  • Ian Crowe (IC)
  • Andrew Holt
  • Ron Moonesinghe (RM)
  • David Houghton (Secretary)
  • Louise Briggs
  • Sharon Hunter
  • Malcolm Farrow


  • Thomas Smith (Housing Lead)
  • David Taylor (Welfare Lead)
  • Stav Melides (Industry Lead)
  • Neil Calvert
  • Bill Dixon-Dodds
  • Gary Holden
  • Samantha Wileman

1. Welcome

The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting, and extended his thanks to the PMC and Officers’ Mess staff for supporting the meeting. The three recently-appointed Members introduced themselves to the other meeting attendees and were welcomed to the Committee.

The Chair confirmed that future EM VAPC meetings will alternate between face-to-face meetings and hybrid meetings.

2. Apologies for absence

The Chair accepted apologies from those who were unable to attend the meeting.

3. Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest that would affect the work of the Committee.

4. DTS update

The MOD DTS representative presented an update on DTSs’ current activity in the EM region, noting that DTS is currently handling 192 cases in the EM, of which 69 are classed as Red/Amber (i.e. ‘high intensity’) cases. It was highlighted that current and increasing caseloads, coupled with the small numbers of DTS personnel, mean that DTS is struggling to meet its KPIs relating to the turnaround of referrals to the service.

To try and address the pressures on the service, DTS staffs are working with Army SO2 Lifestyle personnel to try and ensure that the Services provide DTS with sufficient information when they first refer an individual to DTS, rather than DTS staffs having to seek additional information about the individual (as is often the case now). In addition, DTS are developing a series of FAQs with the aim of streamlining the referrals process.

5. PC4V briefing/update

The Vets UK IPC4V representative provided a overview of the joint NHS England and MOD Integrated Personal Commissioning for Veterans Framework (IPC4V), which is funded by the MOD. It was highlighted that the IPC4V programme is focussed on serving personnel who are classified as ‘very seriously injured’, with complex neurological/physical needs and/or complex PTSD, whose injuries/condition are attributable to their time in the Services.

The aim of the programme is on trying to make the transition of such personnel from Service to civilian care/support as smooth as possible, so that the support/services needed by the Service leaver are in place when they leave the Services. To achieve that, IPC4V personnel typically begin working with personnel who require their support approximately 9 months before their discharge from the Services.

Where required, IPC4V staffs work in concert with statutory authorities and third sector organisations. Members asked whether the IPC4V initiative allowed veterans to be ‘fast-tracked’ for civilian-provided care following their discharge, but were informed that such fast-tracking is not within the remit of IPC4V but is, instead, a clinical/care decision for the relevant civilian care/support providers.

6. ASDIC briefing/update

The Regional Director of the Association of Service Drop-In Centres (ASDIC) briefed Members on the work of ASDIC. While the briefing highlighted that ASDIC are not simply another form of ‘breakfast clubs’, Members did see potential links to regional Veterans Community Hubs etc.

Members were encouraged to provide the Regional Director ASDIC with appropriate POCs for regional Veterans Community Hubs etc. that they have contact with, or are aware of.

7. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising

The minutes of the last meeting were accepted.

Updates on Actions from the meeting held on 7 Feb 22 were provided during the reports/updates at Items 8 and 9.

8. Outbrief from Ministerial Engagement and Chairs’ Activity

The Chair drew attention to some key issues highlighted by the recently-submitted 6-month report to Min DPV, including a seeming disparity between the availability of services/support for veterans living in urban areas, compared to the relative paucity of such services/support for veterans living in rural areas. It was noted that the 6-month report and the forthcoming pan-VAPC 12-month report to Min DPV should act as a catalyst to refresh and reset the relationship between the OVA and the VAPCs. That ‘reset’ is likely to be supported by the statutory underpinnings for the VAPCs being formalised via a Parliamentary Private Member’s Bill.

The Chair noted his intention to share the 6-month report to Minister with the Chairs of the various EM AFC Partnership Boards. Members discussed the recent appointment of Brigadier Caroline Hull as MOD Defence Business Services (DBS) Head of Armed Forces & Veterans.

It was noted that, as highlighted by Brigadier Hull at the VAPC Open Conference in May 22, her appointment brings Vets UK under a single 1* command with the Military Personnel construct. It is hoped that this reorganisation (within which Vets UK retains its own identity for ‘customers’) will smooth the path from the Services to becoming a veteran. It is at that transition point that many of the problems veterans face originate.

9. Individual member reports – updates

Policy and governance

Members allocated/assigned to individual EM County Armed Forces Covenant Partnership Boards (AFCPB) provided updates on continuing work, emerging issues and new initiatives from their respective AFCPBs. It was highlighted that the Leicestershire AFCPB plans to begin meeting face-to-face again, while it remains that case that the ability of the Lincolnshire AFCPB to draw together various strands of county/regional-wide support for veterans is being degraded by a lack of funding for the essential council-employed staff needed to lead the Lincolnshire AFCPB.

The Member allocated to the Derbyshire AFCPB highlighted his desire to try to take work that is being woven into the new Armed Forces Bill (e.g. provision of housing) to inform and influence the work of that AFCPB.


The Communications Lead Member highlighted the communications-related issues raised by the SW VAPC in the recent 6-month report to Min DPV, including the need for a supported and funded integrated communications approach to improve the visibility and credibility of the VAPCs.

The Communications Lead Member also reemphasised the potential cyber risk Members faced when using a personal email address (rather than a separate VAPC-related address) to conduct VAPC activities.


The Vice-Chair/Health Lead Member reported that, although the EM VAPC is represented on the National Health Committee, many of the other 11 VAPCs have not nominated a representative to the Committee, which always meets virtually via Zoom/Teams. Such a lack of representation by some VAPCs limits the ability of the Committee to develop and spread best practice in this area across all of the VAPCs.

The Health Lead Member highlighted that he planned to join (virtually) the Armed Forces Community Conference, scheduled to be held on 18 May 22. Post-meeting, the Health Lead provided a readout of the key points raised/discussed at the Conference. That readout is at Enclosure 1.


The need to support the continuing work being undertaken by the Welfare Lead Member to maintain a database of third sector capabilities to assess their ability and resilience in supporting veterans they are targeting was discussed and agreed.

Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC) Future Engagement

As noted at previous meetings, and highlighted in the recent 6-month report to Min DPV, the uptake of ELC-funded courses by entitled veterans remains startlingly low (c.10% of entitled personnel make use of their ELCs).

The Industry Lead Member continues to support the VAPC sub-committee’s work to review the provision of ELC, but it is understood that that work is being hampered by a continuing failure of Chief of Defence People’s (CDP) staff to confirm that they will join/support the review work. The Industry Lead will continue to work with sub-committee colleagues to secure a response from CDP.


The Industry Lead Member highlighted the work of the National Employment Transitioning Committee, Chaired by Robin Herzberg, who is an advisor to the MOD. The role of the Committee includes: understanding and sharing best practise on employment and transitioning within the regions; the appointment of Armed Force Liaison Officers within local authorities; raising awareness of the AFC among employers, particularly SMEs; identifying research which defines the veterans who are most likely to struggle to find employment in their civilian life.

The Industry Lead Member highlighted a number of potential initiatives relating to the Institute of Directors. Those initiatives include securing IOD Membership for personnel in transition from the Services and veterans, the provision of IOD training for such personnel, and connecting individuals with experiences directors who can provide advice.

The Industry Lead Member also reported a proposal to create a Lindum Lincoln Rotary Sidelight Club (under the rotary banner) for veterans, those in transition, reservists and business/professional people. The proposed club would meet monthly and enable veterans to make potentially useful contacts/connections.

Veterans Interaction with CJS

It was reported that the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) hope to appoint an NPCC lead for veterans issues. An individual has been identified as the potential NPCC lead, but their appointment is dependent upon the OVA (and the NPCC) supporting formally the proposal.

It was further reported that a meeting has been held with [Confederation of Service Charities (COSBEO)] ( representatives to tray to link support organisations for veterans with police forces at an operational level. It is hoped that this potential initiative will provide police with greater awareness of the potential support available for veterans as-and-when police interact with such individuals in the course of their duties.


It was reported that a meeting is planned to be held with Housing Officers et al. in East Lindsey to discuss the potential for the provision of dedicated housing for veterans (under Section 106 legislation) during any redevelopment of the ‘brownfield’ sites for housing at RAF Scampton, RAF Woodhall and St Georges Barracks (North Luffenham).


Notwithstanding the recent recruitment of 3 new Members, it was noted that more new Members were likely to be required in the near future. Members were encouraged to seek out individuals who may be interested in joining the EM VAPC, and persuade them to apply when the next recruitment round is announced on the Cabinet Office website (

10. Discussion about interim report and look-ahead to 12-month report

This issue was discussed at Item 8.

11. AOB

The requirement to provide newly-appointed Members with mentoring support and appropriate training was discussed. It was decided that the Health Lead would provide mentoring support to KC and IC, while the Industry Lead would provide mentoring support to RM.

Newly-appointed Members were encouraged to review the induction and training presentations provided to them, and to undertake the Cabinet Office NED Induction Training Course for Public Appointees, as-and-when the availability of such training is notified to Members by Vets UK VAPC Sponsor Team.

12. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be a hybrid meeting, and is planned to take place at the EM Reserve Forces and Cadet Association (RFCA) on 17 Oct 22 from 1.30pm.