
VAPC London: meeting minutes 25 March 2020

Updated 20 March 2025

Venue: Skype call

Date: 25 March 2020

Time: 11.00am to 11.35am

0.1 Present:

Jim Blake (JB) - Acting Chair

Lynne Calame (LC)

Roger Hood (RH)

Gail Walker Smith (GWS)

Ken Courtenay (KC)

Alex Woolgar Toms (AWT)

Matthew Seward (MS)

Wendy Morris (WM)

Marion Knight (Secretary)

0.2 Apologies:

Paul Clabburn (PC)

Nick Sharpe (NS)

Jim Blake (JB)

Alex Jablonowski (AJ)

Heather Betts (HB)

Andrew Ross (AR)

0.3 Observers / Guests:

Not Applicable

1. Welcome and introductions

  • JME welcomed new members WM, AWT and MS
  • WM, AWT and MS all individually introduced themselves
  • JME also reported that whilst he was not aware of who had been appointed as the new London VA&PC chair, he was aware that JB had not been successful. JME would follow up as to whether there was a possibility of JB being co-opted onto the Committee once a new Chair has been appointed

This was actioned by JME

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies noted from AJ,PC, HB, JB, AR and NS

3. Declarations of interest

The Chairman reminded Committee members that they must declare any interest arising out of their personal/business life which could conflict with VAPC business. WM declared she was a member of the League of Remembrance; MS declared his position with RBL, and KC has recently been appointed Treasurer of the SSAFA Somerset branch.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of previous Meeting – no commentary other than one typing error under MOD page 2 which should have read RBL not RBS. MK agreed to alter.

This was actioned by MK.

5. Recruiting for new members 2020

  • JME explained that there had been a recent successful recruitment campaign, with HB being successful in being re-appointed and WM, AWT and MS being appointed to the London VA&PC Committee
  • JME explained that 2021 there would be further recruitment challenges with PC, AJ and KC all having served 3 terms and would need to go through the recruitment process gain should they wish to continue to serve on the Committee. RH would complete his second term in office and will also have to go through recruitment. LC and JME will complete a first term in office and will have to apply for extension for a second term.
  • JME urged all committee members to identify potential new members now and encourage them to apply when the recruitment process opens in September 2020

This will be actioned by all members.

6. Housing seminar reports

  • PC had circulated report prior to meeting to all Committee members. JME commented PC has suggested the way ahead includes recruitment of researcher to help us through next steps but this will require funding and ‘buy-in’ by London Boroughs and other parties. A decision will be required by late July 2020

To be actioned by PC.

7. Centenary – RH

  • Roger had circulated his report before the meeting and covered the main points at the meeting. One National Event at the National Arboretum on June 1st, 2021. More detailed plans will be required soon for the event
  • Regional Committees who have indicated they are interested in arranging something for the centenary are doing this locally
  • London VA&PC are responsible for overall co-ordination of activities and organising a London event. The Go/No Go decision for this will probably have to be taken by 1 July 2020
  • There is still a desire to get support for a National documentary and PC will be co-opted onto the Centenary Committee later in the year for this purpose should it go ahead
  • RH will need help with funds later this year – likely September 2020
  • RH explained to the Committee that he is aware that the RBL is arranging celebrations for its own centenary next year and is keeping close contact with them to ensure no overlap. MS explained that he has had some involvement with RBL activities and is happy to help with ensuring there is no overlap. LC has a plan to ensure no overlap with other organisations and keep in touch with MS about the work of the RBL

To be actioned by LC/MS.

8. Sub-group reports

8.1 Policy and Government Affairs - JB

JB had not been able to attend the call. JME explained that he had circulated the latest published Veterans factsheet to the Committee. JME said he was aware given the outbreak of COVID 19 that the Veterans Agency have suspended all WP and AFCS medicals and assessments. MS said he was aware all appeal hearings had also been cancelled until further notice.

8.2 Health and welfare - HB

HB will circulate her latest report to the Committee in due course.

8.3 Employment - AJ

  • AJ had circulated his latest report to the Committee prior to the meeting,
  • London VA&PC are now back on the Veterans Transition and Employment Support (VETS) steering group

8.4 Awareness and Communication - PC

There was nothing to report at this meeting.

8.5 VA&PC website - AR

Projected costs were judged to be too high for the potential audience at this stage.

8.6 Treasurer’s report - AJ (report circulated prior to the meeting)

£330 in bank account.

8.7 Proposed date of next meeting

  • Tuesday 23rd June 2020 at RAF Benevolent Fund if the COVID 19 situation permits, otherwise another Skype call will be arranged.
  • JME will organise another Skype call should he informed of who has been appointed Chair of the London VA&PC so introductions etc. can take place

To be actioned by JME.

8.8 Any other business

  • JME noted that a ‘re-shaping’ of VAPCs was proposed and had been due to be discussed at the Chair’s meeting in late April (now cancelled). Changes may include a new name and terms of reference with the launch for the new structure expected to be 1 June 2021 to coincide with the Centenary event