
VAPC London: meeting minutes 12 May 2020

Updated 20 March 2025

Venue: Skype call

Date: 12 May 2020

Time: 11.00am to 12.30pm


Bill Charles (BC) - Chairman

Jim Evans (JME)

Lynne Calame (LC)

Roger Hood (RH)

Gail Walker-Smith (GWS)

Ken Courtenay (KC)

Alex Woolgar Toms (AWT)

Matthew Seward (MS)

Wendy Morris (WM)

Andrew Ross (AR)


Heather Betts (HB)

Nick Sharpe (NS)

Jim Blake (JB)

Unable to join the call due to technical issues

Paul Clabburn (PC)

Alex Jablonowski (AJ)

Observers / Guests:

Not Applicable

Welcome and introductions

BC introduced himself and explained he had spoken to most Committee members prior to this meeting

Apologies for absence

Apologies noted from HB, PC, JB, AJ, NS

Declarations of interest

The Chairman reminded Committee members that they must declare any interest arising out of their personal/business life which could conflict with VAPC business

Sub-group reports


PC has reported that the application for funding by FIMT has not been successful because it is closely aligned to one of their efforts, but he is investigating their work and other possibilities to assess what further steps can be taken with Kent University or others.

Employment – AJ

  • AJ circulated his report prior to the meeting and the main points were discussed
  • The VETS Employment programme is very much self-running at the moment and the London VAPC has been invited back to steering committee

Centenary – RH

  • RH explained he had spoken with Johnny Lighten, National Chair with regards the Centenary celebrations and went through the detail of this meeting with the Committee and there was a full and thorough discussion about next steps, with particular emphasis on the London VAPC’s role
  • The London Centenary sub- committee acknowledged the Chairs shift in emphasis for the Centenary plus 10 commemorations (not ostentatious, low key, national and regional mix)
  • This infers a reduced coordination role from the perspective of the London VAPC than originally envisaged and that any future direction and organisation is led by the National Chairman for the national events
  • Springtime Speakers House reception - Johnny Lighten already leading
  • Springtime VAPC Documentary for TV and Press which the London Committee had been proposing requires funding and research, it would also need to be commissioned by July 2020. The London VAPC suggests Johnny Lighten establishes a Special Documentary Team as soon as possible
  • The Principal Centenary Event – 1 June - National Memorial Arboretum - Memorial dedication is to signal the Centenary Launch with the National Conference being held there with emphasis on the 10-year vision and the Minister in attendance. This requires significant local liaison and preparation and it was agreed this was best led and organised by West Midlands VAPC under the direction of Johnny Lighten. RH to handover all information to Johnny Lighten.

To be actioned by RH.

  • London VAPC will commission the British Forces Philatelic Society to produce a First Day Cover for launch on 1 June (LC). Also currently investigating a possible VAPC coin with the Royal Mint (AWT). Johnny Lighten will be kept appraised of these national activities.

To be actioned by LC and AWT.

  • RH told the Committee that in January 2021 Scotland were organising a Scottish Parliament reception
  • It was agreed that the London Committee will cancel the London Guildhall lunch and switch their efforts to considering participation in the November Lord Mayors Show
  • RH to let Johnny Lighten know that two logo designs for the Centenary had been created and he can decide whether one would be selected for use

To be actioned by RH.

  • RH to have further discussions with Johnny Lighten following this discussion

To be actioned by RH.

Treasurer’s report - AJ (report circulated prior to the meeting)

£330 in bank account.

Consideration of the circulated discussion papers from Chair’s conference

  • The Committee had a detailed discussion with regards to drafts of VAPC strategy and objectives which BC had circulated following the Chairs Conference. The drafts were still under consideration and had been circulated with comments from BC to inform his feedback from the London VAPC
  • Those present at the meeting indicated that they are happy to register on the VFR site

  • BC thanked the Committee for the full discussion and would collate feedback and send comments to Johnny Lighten with a copy to the members

To be actioned by BC.

Proposed date of next meeting

23 June 2020 through a skype call. MK will contact the RAF Benevolent Fund to cancel the room arranged for this date

To be actioned by MK.

Any other business

  • JME explained recruitment for next year is important as some people’s tenure is up. He suggested it might be prudent to look for recruits who live within the London area and the need to get them applying in September 2020. He said we will need to get recruits ourselves and encourage them to apply. BC asked JME to send an e mail with a contact for him to make enquiries

To be actioned by JME an d BC.

  • WM saw a veteran yesterday begging outside the local supermarket and she felt unsure where to get him help as internet and e mail are not an option. BM has contacts and he will ask some questions. WM will try to help this veteran further

To be actioned by BC and WM.