
VAPC London: meeting minutes 27 September 2023

Updated 20 June 2024

Venue: Barclays Rise, 41 Luke Street, London EC2A 4DP with some members joining using Microsoft Teams

Time: 4pm to 5.30pm


  • Robin Herzberg (FRH) – Chairman
  • Jim Blake (JB)
  • Bishnu Gurung (BG)
  • Larry Stone (LS)
  • Brian Willmore (BW)
  • Alex Woolgar-Toms (AWT)
  • Frances Luczyc Wyhowska (FLW)


  • Caroline Flynn Macleod (CFM)
  • Annabel Goulding (AG)
  • Carl Stephen Patrick Hunter OBE (CH)
  • Charles Perrett (CP)
  • Alpa Raja (AR)


The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies for absence

It was noted that CFM, AG, CSPH, CP and AR had been unable to attend.

Minutes of 21 June 2023 meeting

The minutes, which had been circulated, were approved and were ready to be sent to the Ministry of Defence for publication.

Action: FRH

Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

London VAPC report to the minister

FRH reported that the latest report to the minister had been submitted in accordance with the timetable in July 2023. As agreed at the committee meeting in June 2023, it included recommendations on the provision of financial support to local armed forces charities that are struggling financially; widening the covenant duty; encouraging all parts of the armed forces to maintain databases of veterans on the basis that they have a ‘legitimate interest’ under GDPR; encouraging the use of systems such as ‘Fusilier Connect’ and ‘Swift’, and minimising waiting times for veterans seeking mental health and well-being services. The next step would be for the VAPC chairs, or their representatives, to meet the minister.

Private Members Bill

FRH reported that the Private Members Bill, intended to increase the responsibilities of VAPCs to cover all aspects of veteran welfare, had received Royal assent on 18 September 2023. The next stage would be for Statutory Instruments, which would implement aspects of the bill, to be drafted by civil servants. It was agreed that achieving Royal assent had been a significant milestone in the work of the VAPCs. CFM had sent an email to Lord Lancaster to thank him for his help and support.

Review of welfare provision for veterans

FRH reported on the highlights of the recent independent review of UK government welfare services for veterans. The report was published on 17 July 2023.

FLW noted that the MOD had introduced a simpler process for making a complaint about compensation claims, and that the updated process now involves 3 stages rather than 5, reducing the time taken to get a final response from 60 days down to 40.

Strategy Development

LS gave an update on the strategy development exercise being led by Stewart Blackburn, chair of the Eastern VAPC. LS reported that an agreed strategy document had been shared with the Independent Veterans Advisor, David Richmond, so that the Office of Veterans Affairs could have visibility of the Implementation Plan. It was also thought that, by now, ministers would be aware of the strategy. Implementation of the strategy was currently on hold pending receipt of feedback from ministers.

Performance Data

AWT reported on an online meeting he had attended on 26 May 2023, to consider the data relating to the War Pensions Scheme (WPS) and the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS). WPS relates to injury, illness or death before 6 April 2005, and AFCS relates to injury, illness or death after that date. He reported that, while there had been concern over significant increases in the number of claims in recent months, the MOD were taking steps to recruit staff to address the issue. It was also noted that, (i) it was not currently possible to separate the data relating to veterans from the data relating to serving personnel, (ii) some of the issues were beyond the control of the MOD, e.g. information awaited from the coroner’s office or from parts of the NHS, and (iii) the involvement of lawyers often caused delays to the settlement of claims.

Reports from the teams

FRH reported on the meeting of the employment and transitioning common interest group held on 6 September 2023. The Head of Engagement at Regimental Headquarters at The Rifles had given a presentation on a communication system known as ‘Swift’, which had been launched by that regiment in 2017.

Working with the Greater London authority and London boroughs

BW reported on recent census statistics relating to veterans. He mentioned that the largest regional concentration of veterans was in the South West of England, while the smallest concentration was in London. Within London, there were large pockets of veterans in Bromley, Bexley, Brent, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Hounslow. It was agreed to look at a random sample of boroughs from each part of London to follow up the data: the London boroughs of Southwark, Camden, Brent and Haringey were suggested. LS and FRH offered to assist BW with this work by attending meetings as necessary.

Working with charities

FLW reported on her work with various veterans’ charities since the last meeting, including the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, the Royal Hospital Chelsea - which is developing an outreach programme - The Poppy Factory and Mission Motorsport, which has found employment for a substantial number of veterans in the car industry.

LS noted that in the current economic environment many charities were cutting back on their expenditure.

Working with The Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association for Greater London (GL RFCA)

FRH reported that they had opened discussions with the Head of Engagement at GL RFCA, with a view to identifying opportunities for joint-working.

Any other business

FRH reported that a member recruitment campaign was underway, and that there had been 3 applications to become members of the committee.

FRH reported that a member of the South West VAPC, Anica Alvarez Nishio, had offered to provide support to the London VAPC as necessary. It was suggested that working with the London boroughs was an area where she might be knowledgeable and be able to provide contacts. JB suggested that this be done in an informal advisory role.

BG asked whether committee members were aware of charities that support veterans who had been discharged following court martial results. JB mentioned that the Royal British Legion supported all veterans regardless of the circumstances of their discharge and might be able to help.

FLW reported that responses to a recent freedom of information request had revealed that neither the City of London Police nor the Metropolitan Police had procedures in place for identifying vulnerable veterans who had come into contact with them. It was suggested that AR might have contacts at the City of London Police who might be able to address this issue.

Date of the next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place at 4pm on 13 December 2023 at Barclays Rise or by video conference.