
VAPC London: meeting minutes 4 September 2019

Updated 19 December 2024

Venue: RAF Benevolent Fund, 67 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AR

Date: Wednesday 4 September 2019 at 11am to 2pm


Jim Blake (JB) Acting Chair
Lynne Calame (LC) Alex Jablonowski (AJ)
Ken Courtenay (KC)
Paul Clabburn (PC)
Bob Money (BM)
Andrew Ross (AR)
Heather Betts (HB)
Jim Evans (JME)
Nick Sharpe (NS) Marion Knight (Secretary MK)


Roger Hood (RH)
Carole Woods: Veterans Welfare Officer Gail Walker Smith (GWS)

Observers / Guests:

Kingsley Donaldson (National Chair VA&PC)

Welcome and introductions

  • JB explained to the Committee, as the Deputy Chair of the London VA&PC, he was chairing the meeting today as Lynn Verity had been advised that her tenure as Chair of the London Committee had come to an end.
  • JB asked that the Committee acknowledge the sad passing of Jules Eaton, former Committee Member of the London VA&PC. His funeral and memorial service had taken place and Lynn Verity had contributed to his obituary.
  • Penny Long had resigned as a Committee member, for personal reasons, since the last meeting and the Committee wished to acknowledge and thank Penny for all her hard work for the London VA&PC.
  • JB welcomed Kingsley Donaldson (National Chair of VA&PCs) to the meeting, who introduced himself and spoke to the Committee about his background and current VA&PC workload before he resigns his tenure, later in the year. The London VA&PC members in turn introduced themselves.
  • JB explained that both his and HB tenure would end in November 2019. Both are considering whether to apply in the open competition and were encouraged by Kingsley Donaldson to do so.
  • Veterans UK has placed adverts for new members and JB will send the link to MK to circulate to all Committee members for interest etc.
  • JB gave the following brief update to the Committee: a) the Office for Veterans Affairs had now been established b) The Veterans ID cards’ scheme should be ready in January 2020 c) Some London Councils had signed up again to the Armed Forces Covenant d) Committee members would be asked to complete and submit a diversity questionnaire which he would circulate via MK e) Annual report for London VA&PC is due and PC has been helping to collate this
  • JB suggested, given the current conditions affecting the London VA&PC membership that it would be timely to send a note of thanks to all the organisations who had supported the London VA&PC in the recent past. JB to liaise with Lynn Verity.

Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were accepted from committee member RH and GWS and Carole Woods (Veterans’ Welfare Officer).

Declarations of interest

The Chairman reminded Committee members that they must declare any interest arising out of their personal/business life which could conflict with VAPC business.

Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of previous Meeting were agreed with two minor wording amendments:

  • Item 7 (6) change rewards to records
  • Item 5 (7) hoping to be an ongoing working group.

JME suggested in future the minutes are verified before the next meeting, as there is a 3-month delay before publication. Committee agreed that MK will send these minutes to JB to review and the and then MK will circulate to members for ratification.

JB went through actions arising from minutes to understand progress.

MK was requested to send the Minutes to Norcross for publication.

Kingsley Donaldson: update

The Committee members and Kingsley Donaldson debated the purpose of VA&PCs.

Sub-group reports:

Housing: Paul Clabburn

  • PC explained that there was little to update upon since the Housing Seminar. There was a hiatus on all fronts. Greenwich and Hounslow Councils need to be chased. Kent University representatives have been on holiday

  • Kent University, London Borough Councils, the Covenant and Royal British Legion are key stakeholders and therefore it is important work starts again

  • PC asked all Committee members to ensure that contact is made with the Borough Councils they are linked to ensure the good work that started with the Housing Seminar continues. PC explained an email template for this purpose has already been circulated to Committee members to send to Armed Forces Champions and PC urged members to send this out if not already done so

  • AR and BM will take the helm for this sub-group as PC is away for two months

Centenary: Lynne Calame

  • There has been some engagement, but it is slow due to the summer recess

  • National Memorial Arboretum- there needs to be some further contact within the next few months to talk dates

  • The Guildhall Lunch need to make contact in November when there is a new Mayor. LC explained that a definitive date will be required

  • TV documentary still a possibility. PC explained that all VA&PCs would need to have involvement

  • The Royal Mail Stamp appears to be a non-starter. Kingsley Donaldson suggested widening the scope of involvement in this idea to see whether there is appetite for this. Kingsley commented that be believes the RBL are up for a wider support and dialogue with regards to the Centenary

  • At next chair of chairs meeting in November, Kingsley Donaldson’s last meeting, he will push this on the agenda to move it forward. It is important that each Committee has a focus for the Centenary, and this will be very much dependent on localities as one size does not fit all and this should be acknowledged

  • The focus should be on the 100+10 and HB noted we should be celebrating veterans who are living

  • LC noted the communications plan links into the strapline 100+10 and she explained quarterly conference calls with reps from all VA&PC committees have been organized and they will be looking at what has been achieved and what can be achieved in the next 10 years

  • Budget for the Centenary celebrations will need to be nationally driven.

Policy and government affairs: Jim Blake

  • Ben Wallace appointed as new minister
  • recruitment under way for VA&PC members
  • responded to both panel cases and no further communication. JB had support from JTS before resignation and also Vets UK
  • new office for Veterans Affairs

Health and welfare: Heather Betts

  • JB noted with the resignation of Penny Long and Julie Thain Smith that there needs to be a refocus on this sub-group’s membership
  • HB explained the sub- group still attended the London Armed Forces Network.


Alex Jablonowski report circulated prior to meeting

  • the employment works continues but there have been changes at the helm of Barclays
  • London VA&PC can continue to support with encouraging mentors and employees to join the employment work
  • AJ said it would be good to get the support of other VA&PCs, as it is currently London centric and there would be great value to spread this across the Country. Kingsley Donaldson suggested in March 2020 the Chairs should have their meeting with the minister at Barclays where employment, housing and the Centenary should all be on the agenda.

As acting chair, JB would bring to the next Chairs of Chair meeting in November and Kingsley Donaldson will support this.

Awareness and Communication: Paul Clabburn

PC explained that in the London VA&PC annual report there will be a reflection of the achievements of the London Committee and this will focus on the engagement of the committee with key stakeholders and other organisations.

VAPC website: Andy Ross

  • communications group Dan Brookes, Geoff Spencer and Andy Ross
  • communications planning meeting in Bristol next week, an external Company coming and assisting the group
  • a communications and engagement strategy will be presented at the Chairman’s meeting in November. Funding will need to be found with the help of the Chairs; maybe Forces in Mind Trust
  • PC commented that the website needs the buy in of all VA&PC Committees to use the website
  • Kingsley Donaldson explained that this is a portal with a wider scope, Chairs need to be held to account for input.

Treasurer’s report

AJ: report was circulated prior to meeting

£330 in bank account.

Any other business

Date of next meeting: Monday 2 December 2019.

  • MK asked for a minute taker as she will not be able to attend the December meeting. AR volunteered to take the minutes
  • JB suggested the December 2019 meeting is organised with a Christmas meal and suggested members who have left the Committee during the year be invited to attend. Members will look at venues and advise MK if she needs to cancel the RAF Benevolent Fund arrangements
  • LC will put VA&PC vacancies on her linked in account
  • JME referenced the new handbook with regards the completing of appraisals on a yearly basis. JB said he would liaise with Lynn Verity with regards this.