VAPC south east England: meeting minutes 13 June 2024
Updated 10 February 2025
Graham Cable (Chair)
Dan Brooks (DB) (Vice Chair)
John Scivier (JS) (Secretary)
Patrick Lyster-Todd (PLT)
Kate Steels (KS) – first 30 minutes (meeting clash)
Ian Talbot (IT)
Gary Cass (GC)
Keith Malcolm (KM)
Clive Hunt (CH)
Debra Soper (DS)
Colin Howe (CHo)
Keith Malcolm (KM)
Robin Draper (RD)
Ali Grant (AG)
Craig Jones (CJ)
1. Apologies
Received from KM, CH, DS, CHo, DS and RD
Note – the meeting was difficult to run effectively due to unavoidable/unexpected IT/Internet coverage issues and a few members missed some parts of the meeting.
2. Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked JS for arranging the video call.
The present members were invited to introduce themselves with the following points:
KS informed the group that Hampshire County Council are working towards the Legal Minimum Service Level due to funding/financial constraints. It is unclear if these service reductions will impact on the veteran’s support/welfare function.
IT informed the group that the SE SSAFA region mirrors that of the SE VAPC (post meeting addition that this also mirrors the SE VPPP region).
3. Minutes of previous meetings
All present accepted.
4. Summary of VAPC chair meeting
The Chair highlighted the discussions and outcomes of the CVC meeting held 12 June 2024 (and other inter-Chair EGMs/discussions) – salient points as follows:
There is some difference of opinion amongst the regional Chairs about how VAPC should operate. Whilst this is not the forum to discuss/debate these differences, the matter does highlight the ‘limbo’ and uncertainty in which the VAPCs find themselves.
The consensus amongst the CVC (in line with ministerial dictate) is that whilst each regional committee has its own modus operandi and output, the streaming of information to Government should be via one central point (Chair CVC) and not individually via region. Those present broadly accepted this concept.
The annual and centralised VAPC report to the minister has been delayed until February.
The top-down message is that we should continue to operate in accordance with the last ministerial direction and provide strategic advice and information to ministers. It was generally agreed that this is going to be very difficult to do when we don’t know who those ministers are going to be or what their direction is going to look like. JS commented that any work that we do could be negated in any change of intent or direction from the incoming Government and it was tacitly agreed that we should pause our work until such times as we know what the political landscape looks like. It was further agreed that we do need to keep in communications with and store any useful information gleaned from agencies and authorities that we are already in contact with.
DB commented that there remains interest within our membership and that there is still activity taking place but that it is not captured. He will provide an update on the NHS Veteran Physical and Mental Health activities.
JS suggested that the thoughts of this committee on pausing any VAPC work is pushed to the CVC. This was agreed and the Chair stated that he will do this.
Casework – A discussion was had on the legitimacy of members getting involved with casework under the VAPC banner. It was agreed that whilst individuals may advise veterans on specific matters of which they have some expertise/knowledge, this is to be done outside of the remit of the VAPC (and this should be clearly understood by the recipient of any advice).
ID highlighted the need for the VAPCs (under the CVC) to push the next governmental department for timelines and intent and suggested that the matter of VAPCs could be woven into PMQs following the institution of the next Government (sooner rather than later).
The Chair stated that it has been agreed to drop the P out of VAPC, thus we will become VACs which better reflects what we are doing rather than inviting requests to do things we can’t do.
5. Annual report discussion
As has been previously mentioned, the report has been delayed until February 2025.
6. Future meeting strategy
Until we know one way or another what the direction for the VAPCs is going to be, it is difficult to formulate a plan as to future meetings. It was decided to put a hold on this item UFN. Post Meeting comment by JS – Should VAPC continue, I would envisage 4 meetings a year at regular intervals, alternating between F2F and virtual. JS now has DBS funded Office 365 so meetings are no longer constrained to one hour.
7. Skills audit and future SEVAPC strategy
Pre-empting the topic, ID stated that we need to have a full skills audit amongst members to ascertain where we have expertise and where we have gaps. JS stated that we do have some latent information but that many of the members canvassed had now left. JS stated that he would, over the next couple of months, develop a spreadsheet with full information on members, contact details (this part already done) and skill-sets. By doing this, we will know the geographic and professional areas from which to recruit any additional members.
8. AOB
- IT informed the group that a number of VWS case managers have been dropped and will not be replaced. It was agreed that this was a worrying matter. IT said he was in good contact with Aaron Hymas. IT also thanked the Chair and JS for the work done over the past few months on the VAPC ‘reinvigoration’ front.
- GC stated that although he did not live there any more, that he still has contacts on the island and is happy to adopt the parish.
- JS stated that he is going to start working towards a database with as many SE regional governmental, county, town agencies and veteran support charities/organisations on it so that once we have direction, we will have the contacts in place (hopefully) to garner information from.
- PLT was asked about the Housing Common Interest Group and stated that it has been established but that it was one member short. The Chair will approach the CVC and Chris Rose to canvass for a willing (and experienced) volunteer.
- PLT commented that he was actively involved with CJ in the LGBGT+ arena. He also stated that they had good communication with the relevant Labour teams.
9. Date and location of next meeting
Due to the flux in which we find ourselves, the date of the next meeting is to be decided although likely to be late September/early October. It is hoped that the meeting will be a F2F with venue to be decided.