VAPC south east England: meeting minutes 19 July 2023
Updated 10 February 2025
Graham Cable (Chair and Interim Sec, GC)
Dan Brooks (Vice Chair, DB)
Nick Berryman (NB)
Robin Draper (RD)
Colin Howe (CH)
Clive Hunt (CHt)
Stephen James (SJ)
Patrick Lyster-Todd (PLT)
Andrew McHugh (AH)
Carron Snagge (CS)
Debra Soper (DS)
Kate Steels (KS)
Neil Strachan (NS)
Fiona Sweny (FS)
Ian Talbot (IT)
Stephen Fradley (SF)
Craig Jones (CJ)
Keith Malcolm (KM)
Ash Merry (AM)
Ali Grant
Matt Hall
1. Welcome
GC welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked NS for once again arranging the venue.
2. Apologies
Received from SF, CJ, KM and AM.
3. Minutes of previous meetings
All present accepted.
4. Proposal of DB as Vice Chair
All present accepted.
5. News from the ‘Centre’
GC updated the committee on matters ongoing and arising at the national VAPC level (the Chairs’ Council, Ministerial and MOD meetings).
6. Members’ interests and availability
GC informed the committee that 6 members had submitted forms, for which he was grateful, and requested that other members consider doing likewise.
This will enable the Vice Chair to develop a regional engagement strategy based on current members’ interests, experience and locations, for which GC was also grateful.
7. National VAPC draft strategy
GC drew the committee’s attention back to a previously circulated national VAPC draft strategy, which would feed into the abovementioned regional engagement strategy, also under development.
Members of the committee present discussed this draft and the implications for our regional version.
8. Preparation for submission of annual SEVAPC contribution to national VAPC report to the Minister
GC reminded the committee that the VAPC Terms of Reference provided to us by the Minister require us to contribute to the submission of a national VAPC report covering matters (and our activities in and around them) of stated interest to the Minister, as follows:
understanding the level of awareness of the Armed Forces Covenant and the armed forces community at the local and regional level, in particular among those captured by the new Covenant Duty
how local armed forces charities are operating at the local and regional level and what impact they are making, including with statutory providers and with one another
After discussion of the above, it was confirmed a request would therefore made for members to contribute to that report, based on their own engagement and support for the veteran community in our region.
9. Date and location of next meeting
GC requested a volunteer (or volunteers) to host the next meeting, which, when received, would enable a date to be set.
Linked to that, GC reiterated his request for a volunteer to undertake the secretarial duties associated with calling meetings, as he had been covering these since joining the Committee in 2020, as well as performing the Vice Chair and now Chair roles and it was no longer possible to cover those requirements alone.