
VAPC south east England: meeting minutes 22 November 2021

Updated 10 February 2025


  • Rob Nitsch (RN)
  • Robin Draper (RD)
  • Steve Fradley (SF)
  • Simon Furlong (SFL)
  • Clive Hunt (CH)
  • Andrew McHugh (AMH)
  • Carron Snagge (CS)
  • Fiona Sweny (FS)
  • Maj Jodie Smith – 11(SE) Brigade, SO2 Resettlement (JS)


  • Graham Cable (GC)
  • Dan Brooks (DB)
  • Amran Hussain (AH)
  • Kath Hutton (KH)
  • Stephen James (SJ)
  • Craig Jones (CJ)
  • Patrick Lyster-Todd (PLT)
  • Ash Merry (AM)
  • Kate Steels (KS)
  • Neil Strachan (NS)
  • Ian Talbot (IT)

Welcome and apologies

RN welcomed all to the meeting at 2.10pm and noted the apologies, including the late apologies from GC and PLT, both of whom had be forced to withdraw on the day due to Covid-related issues. All expressed their delight at being able to meet face to face and thanked the OTC at Southampton for their hospitality.

The minutes of the virtual meeting on 22 October we agreed as a correct record. RN explained that the intent remained to promote the guaranteed interview scheme to councils and that work was on going with KS to that end.

RN set out that the focus of the meeting was to follow up the broad interest in resettlement arrangements and Maj Jodie Smith was introduced and welcomed to the meeting.

Chair’s update

RN informed the meeting of the progress of the interim ToRs and that they had now received approval. Members were asked to reflect any remaining issues to RN by 1 Dec 21, with the assumption that no lingering issues remained beyond that date if not raised. RN also explained that there would be a need to formally report to the Minister at the 6 and 12 month points, which would be a subject of discussion at the next meeting.


  • RN to confirm and present any concerns on behalf of members with regard to ToRs
  • RN to lead an item on progress reporting at next meeting

Resettlement Discussion

JS made a short presentation with regard to resettlement, the prevailing priorities she foresaw and challenges in the system. Detailed discussion involving all members present ensued with the following observations made:

  • transition starts on day 1 of service – still a reticent for it to be seen as such
  • work was key to success, less for those making the active decision to retire and with the resources to do so
  • CTP remained very focused on assistance with work, but issues generally wider than that for the vulnerable and were not provided for. There was not a strong enough focus on whole life skills
  • there was no effective triage or handover – both on immediate needs and also with regard to future risk
  • housing: need to judge the needs of the veteran and respond accordingly – the most appropriate option may not be that of a veterans’ organisation
  • communication remains a challenge – and particularly around identifying and providing warning of those at risk
  • there is no formal facilitation of risk-related information between in-service sources and post-service support agencies. In formal was at the discretion of individuals
  • there is no common source of information and CTP remains locked down to the pre-2012 community and families
  • units do not seem to be appropriate focused, or have a focus for, departing personnel. Seen as the problem of others, accentuated by the sense of Resettlement organisation sweeping it all up
  • there is not a suitable triage tool that can be readily applied to identify and understand those at risk:
  1. hardfacts a start point, but unreliable – depends on honest self-assessment and no supervisory arrangements

  2. SF related that there were lessons to be learned from the prison service approach, which appeared far more thorough

  3. AM highlighted that the methodology of Euroqual 5 might be useful

  4. information focused on those entering DTS might have wider utility

  • there was not regular (put at annual) exchange of information/awareness within the military as an organisation and military charities
  • the challenges of commonwealth soldiers were generally less well understood and attended to

Action: It was agreed that RN should prepare a letter to send to Regional Command which would: emphasise the concern about the lack of a whole system approach; request that more consideration was given to the responsibilities of units for those departing; a review was conducted on the need for whole life skills education; that there ought to be a stronger means of triaging to identify those at risk; and could more thought be put to engaging families and understanding that, for many, resettlement was an issue for all family members.

JS thanked the VAPC for its interest, reflected the benefit of the discussion and departed the meeting.

Vets UK and Support to Veterans

Particularly promoted by input from RD and SFL, there was discussion of perceptions and priorities for the on-going relationship with Vets UK.

It was agreed that the relationship with Vets UK and VWS in particular was more significant than that with the OVA in terms of the VAPC’s role. It was also agreed that there would be benefit of seeking to reset the local relationship through Rob Rowntree (RR) and particularly with regard to their most recent customer survey.

COBESO was identified as being a significant organisation with whom we might work more closely.


Co-working with the VWS should be the focus of our next meeting, involving Emma Jones. To be taken forward by GC and RD.

SFL should reach out to RR and ascertain what role the SE VAPC might play in taking forward the commentary from the most recent Vets UK Customer Survey

RN should promote thinking around who has the responsibility for holding Vets UK to account in his engagements with the Chairs’ Committee.

RN to approach COBSEO and establish ties, notably for SFL and his national committee.

Impending Recruitment

RN asked for views on the imperatives for the upcoming recruitment round. In addition to the selection criteria, in discussion the following were identified as being of significance to members:

  • representation from Buckinghamshire
  • understanding younger veterans
  • awareness of Commonwealth related issues
  • continuing to extend diversity of Committee
  • engagement with veterans’ hubs

Sub Committees

The opportunities for extending sub committee capacity through the co-option of members was highlighted.

Any Other Business

No other business was raised

Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting should be scheduled for Feb 2022 Action: GC

The Meeting Closed at 4.50pm