
VAPC south east England: meeting minutes 4 February 2019

Updated 10 February 2025

South East Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committee Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday February 4 2019 at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth at 11am

1. Present

Ms F Drummond (Chairman Canon), Mr R Draper, Mr P Bateman, Mr T Roper, Mr I Talbot, Dr S Jagdish, Mr R Nield, Mr D Anderson, Ms K Hutton, Ms J Ferrer, Mr C Reynolds, Mr A McHugh, Mr A Platts, Mr D Luscombe, Ms A Sard, Mr C Jones and Ms S Banks (Secretary).

2. Apologies

Mr J Williams, Ms C Snagge, Mr K Newton, Mr P Nicoll, Ms K McArthur and Ms K Fryatt.

3. Welcome

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially the new members and a brief resume of each others’ background and interests in VAPC was given.

4. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

5. Minutes and matters arising from the meeting held on 28 October 2018.

  • ID cards are available but take a long time to process.
  • It was noted that Lynn V was doing a lot of work on employment within the London VAPC and a link will be established with this.
  • Mr A McHugh will be addressing the GP’s Conference in order to make them aware of our work and how we can help. There appears to be variances between areas and Dr Soundararajan was very involved in this. Mr C Jones had also attended a meeting on this subject.
  • Mr D Anderson had been in touch with? but had received no reply. They seem to be running around doing nothing. More information is required.
  • On the housing situation in London, Mr D Anderson didn’t really think there was a need for a study but he will speak to the guys in Kent. (Action: Mr D Anderson)
  • Mr D Luscombe believed that people on the shop floor don’t know how to treat vets and certainly where housing is concerned. There is certainly a lack of consistency between councils.
  • Ms J Ferrer informed the meeting that a Veterans’ Housing Advice letter had been distributed to councils.
  • Mr R Draper felt that the principle of pensions was being disregarded where housing was concerned.
  • Money for housing seems to be down 50%.
  • Ms K Hutton commented that councils don’t seem to know who to direct to if local housing is not available.
  • Mr P Bateman suggested that we should use Mrs Verity’s comments as an aide memoire as each area would appear to have different views on the topic of greater members diversity.
  • It was felt that there should be champions in each county who can take the lead on all matters concerning Vets.
  • The Chair confirmed that she hadn’t written to MPs yet as there is so much going on in Parliament but would bring the subject of veterans up as she met them individually. (Action: F Drummond.)
  • Mr D Anderson was thanked for his work on the Skills Matrix and it was agreed that members would prefer a training day rather than a deep dive arrangement. The training in Blackpool partly useful but a bit like the curate’s egg.
  • Apparently Norcross only have paper copies of their records (can’t be hacked) but losses occur (van highjacked) but with a new Head of Vets UK it is his aim to go digital.

6. Chair’s Update

  • Two members of the committee had retired – thanks to Peter (?) who chaired the committee in the chairman’s absence and had been a committee member for about 10 years.
  • There had been 10 applicants for new members, 8 had agreed to join the committee, the majority of whom are present today.
  • There is a need for a Vice Chairman and Mr D Anderson agreed to take this on. (Approved unanimously.)
  • Working closely with Kingsley on current cases but not keen to do this but the overall picture for vets is looking good. Mr R Nield stressed the need to gain intelligence at the bottom level in order to pass onto the minister. He also mentioned the need to pass information to Kingsley for his next meeting in March, particularly to put statistics on the agenda. Proper processes need to be in place in order to improve accessibility to the minister, so we as a committee need to influence the system, so this year’s annual report needs to demonstrate that our committee is doing things to make a difference.
  • Mr I Talbot felt that outputs are vital, and all activity should be recorded and reported to the Chair so that we can make an impact. (Action: all.)

7. Veterans Welfare Association

  • Mr D Luscombe had forwarded to Norcross a letter prepared by Mr R Draper on the subject of statistics. Statistics provided currently are very bland and do not tell us much ie. current cases, how old are cases, appeals are not mentioned. Cases are recorded very simply and because of the change in staff this has reduced activity on statistics. To date there has been no feed back from the letter.
  • A new Defence Transition Service has been introduced by the VWS and money has been made available to undertake this Service but time to do proper case work has been reduced. There is a new Head of DTS plus staff to mirror regional managers. Help is being given to train telephone advisers that will number 4. BT unable to provide the relevant service so that vets can be dealt with asap. It is for servicemen leaving the services, who struggle to readjust to civilian life. Signposting is needed and organisations like SSAFA/VOS offer mentoring.
  • Dr S Jagdish enquired whether Vets UK are scrutinised by the National Audit Office and if so there should be stats available. How can casework be managed without information. Surely Norcross should have an overview. There is certainly a cultural difference between areas; a cultural shift is needed and the quality of training provided by Norcross is questionable. For instance, how do we link up files that seem to be widely scattered through the process of a case? It was felt that the MOD should be picking up these problems, not VAPCs and certainly vets informed of the process. This process operates best when a single unit, now connected to Defence Business Services is involved. A note on the current case load was required. (Action Mr D Luscombe)
  • The Chair agreed to speak with Kingsley about improving the time cases take, and particularly at the appeal level. (Action: Chair)

8. Veterans Outreach Service

  • A presentation was made by Mr R Nield – Forces Connect SE Hub Project – a mapping service, spurned from VOS. The Goals being to cover Kent, Surrey, East Sussex and Hampshire, but not the Solent Area. The aim is to build relationships with current Hubs ie Kent Sheds, looking particularly at older gentlemen not currently engaged in local activities and harder to reach vets who can be drawn into the Shed, Breakfast Clubs etc. Also an opportunity to work more closely with our champions and the different layers of vet facilities. Members were invited to let Mr R Nield have any relevant information that might be included on the website.
  • Where are we now? The scheme has been operating for 8 months, increased Hubs are open. There are lots of small drop-in locations that are not very organised but in time can become a Hub, any activities coming up with dates can be notified to Mr R Nield to be included.
  • Several questions were posed – it is intended to ask to join Vets Gateway; join the Forces Ap; the Shed in Gosport is going strong; not in the Solent area is due to the location of unitary authorities but it was pointed out that most Vets live in this area. Even out of county activities can be listed ie. café in Southampton. There is already a map on the forces website; mustn’t exclude other organisations and mapping work is where best practice can be introduced including in the new vets strategy.

9. Strategy and Action Plan 2018 to 2021

  • The Chair asked the new members to make any suggestions; this is a working plan. An individual strategy plan reflecting on policy areas would also be useful. (Action: all new members of the committee by 1 April 2019)
  • Comments were also required on what is felt can be achieved. (Action All 1 April 2019)

10. Veteran Strategy

  • This cannot be changed, and all the forces are fully committed. All government departments are involved – there is cross departmental working in place.
  • However, there is no idea how many vets there are or who needs help. Date is so badly shared and there is a lack of liaison between all parties. 5% of vets need the right information, nothing seems to be joined up; emphasised by the cultural situation.
  • The conclusions from the workshops is under discussion and will report later.
  • There needs to be a strategy on how to implement the strategy and we need to be looking at our own strategy too. Policy development is also a requirement here, the main one being co-ordination, without which consistency is lacking.
  • The third sector operate a proper system so why should the government step in and take over.
  • The minister will be attending the Chairman’s Conference, these issues need to be brought up then.
  • All comments to Mr D Anderson by Monday 11 February. (Action: all)
  • In the meantime, mini action plans were requested from the members to be reported to the next meeting. (Action: all 1 May 2019)

11. Skills Matrix

This has already been discussed and will be brought up as an Agenda item for the next meeting in May.

12. Members’ Reports

(I do not have a list of who submitted their reports)

13. Any Other Business

  • Mr I Talbot raised the point about others holding a Veterans Forum similar to the Oxfordshire event. Mr I Talbot will produce a note on how ours is organised and how the programme is decided. (Action: Mr I Talbot)
  • Mr C Jones enquired whether everyone could provide a brief resume of their background, interests and contacts. About 150-200 words. (Notes to the Chair by l March.)
  • Mr A Platts and Mr C Reynolds asked for any relevant contacts to be passed to them.
  • Mr A McHugh informed that meeting of an Armed Services Champion: B. Brown
  • Ms A Sard enquired about veterans on surgery lists.
  • Mr T Roper reported that when he picks up cases he ensures that the individual is referred to the right organisation and the vets champion within the local council. Regimental HQs etc should also be informed as they can sometimes help. It would be helpful if the minister came out and met some of these vets from time to time.
  • Mr R Draper asked that in view of the wider geographical coverage of the new committee, that Mr D Luscombe arranged to put VAPC members in touch with their local VWS manager. The Chair agreed to give him the details of the members so this could be actioned. (Action: the Chair.)