
VAPC south west England: meeting minutes 3 June 2019

Updated 4 December 2024

Chairman’s welcome and introductions

Paul Cartwright welcomed all to the meeting, noted this would be David Luscombe’s last meeting, as he leaves Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) this summer, and thanked him for his contribution over many years to the VAPC SW. David Luscombe was accompanied by Rachael Sergeant and introductions were made.


  • Paul Cartwright (PC)

  • Ben Bennington (BB)

  • Tom Coyle (TC)

  • Ash Jones (AJ)

  • David Newson (DN)

  • Franklin Owusu-Antwi (FO-A)

  • Stephen Rowland-Jones (SR-J)

  • Heather Smith (HS)

  • Jeff Spencer (JS)

  • Steven Turnbull (ST)

  • Irene Wills (IW)

  • David Luscombe (DL), VWS

  • Rachael Sergeant (RS), VWS


  • Chris Francis (CF)

  • Phil Heavey (PH)

  • John Yerbury (JY)

Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • Paul Cartwright to include Members’ ideas on achieving SW VAPC role and on regional and subject responsibilities in draft ‘SW VAPC plan discussion paper’ by mid-May. A discussion paper was sent out on 20 May for discussion at today’s meeting. This action is complete

  • Paul Cartwright to investigate ways to achieve secretary function. Paul Cartwright had put this on hold until the outcome of the discussion on a ‘SW Plan’ that afternoon. This action is ongoing

  • Paul Cartwright to make the requirement to distribute reports and information 2 weeks prior to meetings clear in meeting calling notices. Paul Cartwright (just) achieved this action for this meeting and some reports were sent out beforehand. This practice will become part of the SW modus operandi. This action is complete

  • Jeff Spencer to update on National Comms Strategy progress at next meeting. See communications heading below. This action is closed

  • Ben Bennington to organise a visit to Tedworth House (Help for Heroes Recovery Centre). General agreement about the need to raise and maintain awareness of possible long-term health issues for seriously injured veterans, which will take time to become apparent. As an action Ben Bennington proposed 10 or 24 July for a visit, agreed to put these options to all in an email and choose the most popular

  • Jeff Spencer to investigate cost/feasibility of ‘overnight stay’ at RAF St Mawgan to allow planning workshop, Paul Cartwright to approach Veterans UK for authorisation. After consulting members about availability on various dates suitable for RAF St Mawgan, it was decided to conduct a more limited session in the afternoon of this meeting. This action is complete

  • Paul Cartwright to raise 2 issues regarding pensions with head Veterans UK. Email had been sent, awaiting response. This action is ongoing

March 2019 Chairs’ meeting feedback

John Yerbury attended Chairs in March and had provided feedback notes.

Paul Cartwright had also circulated the Summary of Actions. Paul Cartwright highlighted a number of areas from both. He also noted that VAPC ID Cards were being produced and the following requested an ID Card: David Newson, Steven Turnbull, Paul Cartwright, Ben Bennington, Franklin Owusu-Antwi, Stephen Rowland-Jones, Irene Wills, Heather Smith, Jeff Spencer.

An action to be made is to inform Veterans UK of those requiring VAPC ID Cards.

VAPC Centenary/SW representation

Paul Cartwright outlined the proposals for marking VAPC’s Centenary year in 2021. He requested a volunteer to be the SW rep but none was forthcoming.

A follow-up action is to write to suitable candidate(s) to persuade them to take this on.

Veterans Gateway (VG) Stakeholder Group

Paul Cartwright noted that there was no longer a VAPC national Rep on this group, it had a new chair and that the Ministry of Defence had decided to continue funding Veterans Gateway (VG) rather than asking charities to take it on.

In a related topic, David Luscombe reported that a VWS rep from Centurion (Plymouth) was involved in a new initiative backed by Minister for Defence People and Veterans, the Defence Transition Scheme (DTS) and it was hoped this would lead to a permanent post (more detail in VWS heading).

A discussion followed in which the following points were raised: MoD funding was welcomed as it gave them some ownership and authority in a forum largely led by the charity sector; there was a risk that DTS, unless carefully coordinated with VG, would over-complicate Veteran signposting; VAPC has an important ‘signposting’ role, so there was concern that the VAPC input on the development of VG (an MoD-led signposting tool) would be marginalised without national representation on the VG Stakeholder Group; and that the VAPC role is ‘out of date’ (for example, members are also approached by those serving (for advice on charities and legal representation).

An action is to consult Chair of Chairs and ensure Jeff Spencer conducts ‘handover’ with new VG Chair.

Another action is to develop list of National Issues.


Jeff Spencer gave further detail on his proposal for a National VAPC website: a public area with links to Veterans UK website, as now, and possibly a mechanism to allow veteran feedback; a private space to store documents, exchange ideas etc.

Funding from Force in Mind Trust was being sought to link in to a Ruskin University veterans’ platform. Needs buy-in from Veterans UK and COBSEO.

The following points were made: need to be cautious about what is included in minutes and feedback platforms can become whinge-fests, requiring considerable moderation. Paul Cartwright reminded all that they had the opportunity to comment on draft south west records of decisions (RoDs), including removing sensitive material before RoDs are put on the website.

VWS Update

David Luscombe updated the meeting on:

The Defence Transition Scheme

Run by a small C1-led team who would liaise with service head quarters by region. Complementary to CTP and other transition services, a more proactive element of Veterans Gateway, more than helping just the wounded, injured and sick. Will have a contact number. Likely to be a press launch.

VWS Numbers

VWS still not fully manned.


Universal Credit ignores Pensions/Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) but transition from housing benefit may drag veterans into applying (application by family). AF champions in DWP are helping. 18 month delay on claims and 2+ years on appeals, hence Veterans UK drive for move to digital files.

VWS Stats

VAPC south east has raised concern that VWS no longer provide statistical feedback on veterans’ issues. Chair of Chairs dealing.


Explosion in in-service AFCS claims. VWS also involved in these in-service cases.

Covenant Activity

The following updated the committee about Armed Forces Covenant work in their areas:

  • Franklin Owusu-Antwi (S Gloucester); local authorities need to consider using the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, focus on ‘community’ on 17/6, no AF Champion as yet, all NHS GPs engaged, links with Wilts (Gold Award), SSAFA/RBL liaison reaching out (e.g. to MoD Abbeywood)

  • Franklin Owusu-Antwi (Bristol); a challenge (no activity) so engaging Mayor. Have signed Armed Forces Covenant and Mayor has appointed a armed forces champion

  • Stephen Rowland-Jones (Salisbury); no activity. 26 to 28 June Armed Forces Day activity in Salisbury

  • Jeff Spencer (Cornwall); a work in progress!

  • Jeff Spencer (Somerset); highlighted PH’s report circulated with agenda. Somerset a good example of where AF Covenant working well – will highlight some best practice with Cornwall. The required action is to look at Somerset report and feed best practice into respective LAs.

  • Ash Jones (Justice System); 6% in prison system claim AF background. Pensions stop when in prison.

  • Heather Smith (Torbay); still moving towards being subsumed into Devon.

  • Irene Wills (Plymouth); very large steering committee, homeless/housing main issue has central point of focus, think Wilts initiative is too Wilts/Army focused.

  • Steven Turnbull; we should update Armed Forces Covenant activity by employees.

Cornwall Festival Initiative

Jeff Spencer outlined ‘Veterans Fest’ progress. Aim is to show that veterans can make positive contributions to the community. A music festival with 1000 campers, professionally run. Will be some stands: charities, associations. Website at: Looking for sponsors. Action for all is to publicise event and look for sponsors.

VAPC Casework

Tom Coyle briefed on a recent case from Veterans UK, involving a request for early payment of a deferred pension. Noted this is only possible if unable to work (for more than 10 years) or terminal illness (less than a year).

Also noted that PTSD claims must be within 3 years of diagnosis. This case highlighted that VAPC casework is important.

General discussion about claims for deafness and likely spike in claims due to recent large settlement in one particular case (although there were unique aspects in this case that will not apply to most retrospective claims).


Paul Cartwright noted that 6 SW members reach their 9 year point this year and he would need to manage this – didn’t want all 6 leaving at the same time. Intend to recruit 6 this year to keep above requirement for minimum of 12.

Any other business

Internal Training

Paul Cartwright asked if any members required/wanted to attend internal training on 2 October: Stephen Rowland-Jones put his name forward. Action to forward Stephen Rowland-Jones’s name to training organiser.

Cornwall Show

Jeff Spencer was requested to provide Veterans Fest leaflets to distribute at the Cornwall Show (22 June). Action to provide Cornwall Show with leaflets.

Military Injury Claims

Concern was raised about the increasing number of veterans and service personnel that appeared to be using companies charging them to pursue military injury claims. Action to inform Veterans UK of apparent trend.

The meeting closed at 1:00pm.