VAPC south west England: meeting minutes 6 September 2022
Updated 4 December 2024
Meeting time
Meeting location
The Rifles, Taunton, Somerset
Committee members attending:
Jeff Spencer - Chair (JS)
Chris Rose (CRo)
Michael Bryan (MB)
Kieran Bird (KB)
Emlyn Phennah (EP)
Charlie Radclyffe (CRa)
Tony Thompson (TT)
Guy Williams (GW)
Ben Obese-Jecty (BOJ)
Philip Orr (PO)
Abbie Pierce (AP)
Emma Jones, VWS
Arren Hymes, DTS
Rachel Brannagan (RB)
Lee Bushby (LB)
Andrew Ottaway (AO)
Franklin Owusu-Antwi (FOA)
Duncan Tilley (DT)
David Wood (DW)
Anica Alvarez Nishio (AAN)
Amanda Brown (AB)
Hamilton Elliott (HE)
Declaration of Interest
While the VAPC-SW Committee recognises the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest, it also recognises benefits drawn from the lived experience of its members. We, therefore, operate a policy of naming and noting any activities or
experiences which could be considered conflicts, while concurrently actively drawing upon the widest experiences of its members to inform its work. At all times we endeavour to clarify explicitly when members are acting on behalf of the committee and when they are
acting as private individuals. No conflicts of interest declared.
Chair’s introduction and welcome
Members introduced and apologies noted. Provided an update on appointments and movements within the Cabinet Office and OVA.
Appointment of Vice-Chair
CRo nominated by TT and seconded by CRa, nil opponents and nil objections.
Annual report update (CRo)
Annual report due Nov 2022, under the 2021 VAPC Terms of Reference (TORs). Progress noted since May 2022 interim report, and the VAPC-SW aim to finalise its 2022 report by end of September. Tasks to undertake: Collate work since May, identify topics missed out from May interim report, and identify key points for Minister. AAN will gather the VAPC regional reports and prepare the national report, including the Executive Summary, to highlight the key points from the regions.
Housing (KB)
- A general lack of precise figures available on veterans’ housing
- Homeless: Few veterans sleeping rough in SW (perhaps a slightly lower rate than general population due to housing schemes for veterans)
- Home ownership: Veterans similar to national population (perhaps slightly lower)
- Rented accommodation (private and social housing): Veterans use of social housing is significantly lower than national population, with only 2% of social housing having an ex-service or solid Armed Forces connection
- The VAPC-SW could do more work to help councils more easily align their work with local and national veteran-related policies. For example, some organisations use an emergency veteran verification process, from which local authorities could benefit.
- Other housing groups: It is difficult to measure those veterans living in alternative housing arrangements, such as living with parents and friends, or in substandard private accommodation.
- What are veterans’ organisations doing to address the current cost of living crisis and is the crisis disproportionally affecting veterans?
- KB to discuss with Veterans UK their capacity to scale the veterans’ verification process so that more organisations can assist veterans.
- Secretary to add topic to future quarterly agenda: Can provision for veterans be made in the Vagrancy Act Revision?
Veterans and the Law (TT)
AB has been doing great work to engage with south west Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and to understand their provisions for veterans by through identifying/making “Successes / Challenges / Recommendations”. Discussed the potential to create a directory of solicitors who will do pro bono work for veterans
Medical (JS)
JS briefed on the South West Integrated Personalised Care project, which is led in the SW by Lisa Jarvis. The project is starting to gather momentum and they are currently looking to make an evidence-based assessment of what the project has achieved. JS moved on to Op Courage and recognised its successes since its March 2021 launch. However, public awareness of Op Courage could be improved, both within veterans and the wider population. Questions raised included: Is Op Courage managing to keep up with the demand? What steps are being taken to increase awareness of the project? From whom can the VAPC-SW get updates?
- JS to remind members to engage with their contacts about the use of OP Courage, the projects continued sustainability and what efforts are being made to promote the existence of the programme to individuals and GPs
Vets UK (CRa and JS)
CRa provided a detailed analysis of war pension scheme (WPS) decisions and appeals, detailing trends, before discussing aspects of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS). The committee discussed the potential causes of WPS/AFCS trends, including military operations, political/economic and global contributing factors. JS provided an updated on VetsUK’s digitisation of the claims process.
- CRa to engage with VetsUK regarding decisions being “closed”, be it through an award, a rejected award, claimants giving up or other reasons?
- JS to engage with Vets UK regarding the VAPCs’ involvement in the digitisation project.
Employment/Transition/Education (GW)
Discussed how the UK can learn from other models, such as the USA’s, and the work being done by commercial organisations external to the MoD, CTP and DTS. Identified significant transition differences between the three services.
Finance and Debt (GW)
Explained that veterans’ finance and debt problems could be best reduced for the future by offering serving personnel advice and guidance on these issues throughout their service career. Discussed whether such advice and guidance should be offered or made a compulsory part of every service members’ training.
- GW to liaise with the Chair of the transition national sub group regarding data on the level of veterans’ debt and its causes.
Reports provided to the committee. It was noted that the VAPC-SW recognise the value of the VWS’s and DTS’s work, particularly regarding recent trends amongst the veteran community and those in transition. Keen to build stronger links with organisations supporting veterans at the ground level.
- EP to gather information from veterans’ groups/clubs
Veterans’ Place, Pathways and People (VPPP) programme (JS)
An Armed Forces Covenant Trust funded project to build an app that is a directory of all the veteran-focused activities, meet-ups and events across the UK. This is being brought together regionally and in conjunction with existing organisations like ASDIC and COBSEO.
- JS to monitor progress and assist where possible.
VAPC national sub groups (CRo)
Discussed the SW’s current attendance of such committees and attendees’ perception of the value added by respective committees.
- Members wishing to join a national sub group are to inform the Chair, Vice-chair or Secretary
Coordination with RFCA and HQSW (CRo)
Discussed the potential for the VAPC-SW, RFCA and HQSW to better align their work. For example, improving financial awareness of serving military prior to transition, perhaps with the Money and Pension Service (MAPS) assistance, and a trial to start awareness briefings much earlier in their service, could help both reserve forces and veterans. Discussed the potential for the VAPC-SW to attend future HQSW regional/county efforts, alongside the RFCA, the potential to provide briefings on VAPC-SW.
Planning for 2023 (CRo)
JS, AAN and CRo to draft outline objectives by end-November 2022. Members to add their ‘passions’ i.e. what they would like to achieve for veterans. Discuss in December 2022 and collate ideas and intents to create objectives (who to do what by when). Use this SW plan to influence the national VAPC 2023 plan. Once the VAPC national plan is released, align the VAPC-SW plan as necessary.
Local Authority engagement (DT, TT)
TT will share the draft list of Local Authorities’ Armed Forces Champions and veteran leads. DT to lead on the project, with help from CRo and all members to draft a template letter and questionnaire, along the lines that AB had created for PCCs, to send out to all LA’s.
TT asked all to confirm, by exception, that they were content for their names and email
addresses, plus county, to be passed to the South West Armed Forces Covenant Partnership Board (SWAFCPB).
- Any member not wanting their details passed on, to inform TT by 30 September.
Any other business
- Graham Cable (VAPC SE vice chair and National Training lead) proposed 1 or 9 November for in -person induction training at VetsUK at Norcross, Blackpool.
- TT attended the North Somerset Armed Forces Partnership Board (AFPB) and discussed the Warwickshire County Council e-learning programme.
- KB reminded members of the Invictus Games, that the RBL is processing applications and SW veterans are welcome to apply. He informed members that they can obtain tickets to attend the next 2023 games in Dusseldorf.
- BOJ noted will attend the next Conservative Party Conference (3-5 October) and would seek to engage those Ministers responsible for veterans. He asked for any key questions for Ministers to be passed to him beforehand.
- Travel and subsistence claims – pdf version preferred.
- Next monthly meeting: 27 September, 5pm to 6pm
- Next quarterly meeting: Currently 7 February (Post meeting, decided to hold additional quarterly meeting on 12 December 2022)