
VAPC Yorkshire and Humber: meeting minutes 21 July 2021

Updated 2 July 2024


  • Alex Baxter (Chair)
  • Lt Col (Rtd) Alan Skidmore (Vice Chair)
  • John Topping (Secretary)
  • Maj (Rtd) Duncan Bell
  • Tim Cole
  • Maj Adrian Hunt
  • Stephen Norton
  • Chris Nolan


  • Dr. Iain Burnside
  • Lt Col (Rtd) Terry Reilly RA
  • Ms Helen Singleton
  • Gary Collins
  • Alex Bentley
  • Craig Gadd
  • Flt Lt Steve Griffiths
  • Rick Short
  • Elspeth Wigley
  • Huw Bell
  • Yvonne MacDonald
  • Major Peter Mason
  • Nick Mitchell (Co-opted)
  • Christine Landess (Co-opted)
  • Andrew Palmer (Co-opted)
  • Sqn Ldr (Rtd) Mike Chambers MBE (Co-opted)

General items

Introduction, apologies, minutes of last meeting/matters arising

The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting explaining that this was physical meeting for some considerable time. All members then introduce themselves with a brief synopsis The Secretary took apologies, and these are noted.

The minutes of the last meeting (Zoom) held on the 31st March had been circulated and were approved.

There we no matter arising that were not covered on today’s Agenda.

Recruitment and membership

The Chairman reported that after the recent membership recruitment drive the Y & H VAPC were fully represented and slightly over-subscribed. Most recent public service VAPC recruitment round held in 2020 which included candidates for VAPC Y&H successfully appointed 8 new members of which, we have since lost one.

Additional expertise was available with the co-option of appropriate personnel.

Secretary’s communication exchange with Norcross

Members agreed that a detailed response should be made addressing the contents of Veterans UK letter of 16 June 2021.

Action: Chairman to coordinate the response before despatch.

NHS medical support

GP services and data recording

Unfortunately, Dr Iain Burnside was obliged to apologise at the last minute and a verbal update was provided on behalf of the Health sub-group. This was due to the situation in Wakefield and urgent requirements for Dr Burnside’s assistance. A further detailed update will be presented at the next meeting.

Mental and welfare health

It was confirmed that Dr Iain Burnside would be the Y & H VAPC representative and authorised to act for the VAPC on the Chairs national sub-committee. Iain would be providing a report to be sent out later.

Op Courage was launched on 4th March 2021 to assist AF Veterans suffering a mental health crisis to ensure they will now receive specialist care. Doctors, nurses and other NHS staff will work with military charities to provide therapy, rehab services and, in extreme cases, inpatient care to hundreds of former soldiers, sailors and RAF personnel each year.

Those needing urgent help will receive a same day referral with a “high intensity” treatment trial being rolled out across the Country to assist integrate veterans with mental health issues back into everyday life.

Chris Nolan - Mesothelioma/Asbestosis update

Chris brought members up to date with what appeared to be a major problem with the identification of ex-Sea King maintenance veterans who could have been exposed to the risks of mesothelioma/asbestosis without knowing. It appears that if veterans do find out that they are suffering they are instructed to contact Norcross who appear to know nothing about it.

Chris’s presentation will be sent out separately to committee members.

Dr Iain Burnside – Hearing tests

Iain had highlighted that veterans were having to pay for wax removal prior to audiology tests. Previously GPs provided a free service for veterans who required hearing test due to their military service. He would be bringing this up at the National Health and Welfare group meeting and members confirmed Dr Burnside also attend as our nominated representative for Y&H VAPC.

This situation was confirmed by other members who had clients who have experienced the same situation.

Developing collaboration in our region

Local authority

Now that a database had been established of all the Veteran Champions and Officer Point of Contact (POC) within the Region, members would again be asked to select which LA they would be able to cover; main POC should also have a substitute to ensure cover.

New legislation is being passed to ensure Local Authorities pay ‘due consideration’ to the Armed Forces Covenant within their catchment areas. The three main pathway priorities will focus on health, housing, and employment.

Reports from members

Several zoom meetings had taken place throughout the region at which some of the members had attended. As the covid restrictions are lifted it is expected that more physical meetings will take place.

Support to veterans and early service leavers

This situation is being monitored but Covid19 limitations restricted what action could take place and further invitation will be extended to MOD Transition service to provide updates by date of next meeting.


Development plan

The Chairman recommended this matter be held over to next meeting given future changes to VAPC terms of reference and engagement with Office of Veterans Affairs. MOD and Sponsor Agency (Veterans UK). Once the situation became clearer the current plan would be upgraded to ensure

Secretarial role Y&H. Members discussed our internal engagement profile and authority levels when engaging with external agencies and agreed that it would be helpful for a formal job description for the regional Secretary covering this should be constructed and agreed before next scheduled meeting. NB. Lack of a formal Job Description and guidelines has caused difficulties and this proposed construct is timely and will assist to improve our overall communication methodology.

Veterans welfare service (VWS)

A report had been received from the VWS. Some concern was expressed by members as to the type, quality and efficacy of the information provided. This will hopefully be addressed by engagement with the sponsor agency by nominees from National Chairs Group.

iMembers discussed some ongoing issues surrounding the treatment of veterans attending Medical Review Boards where they Y&H member had been asked to attend in support (in a similar manner to that of a McKenzie friend) as part of the appeals process for a War Pension’s (WP) award; these attendances were again highlighted as being challenging. Members who had experience of this support role provided several examples of attendances at clinical boards where it appeared the appointed medical examiner’s remit appeared only to require ‘perfunctory examination’ and that some vital processes may not have been considered despite appearing to be directly associated with the injury sustained in service.

Action: Collate ‘specific example case-study’ for possible submission to appropriate body by September.

Veterans strategy

The Office of Veterans Affairs will prioritise updating the National Veterans Strategy over the coming months. Members will be updated when further information becomes available.

Any other business

Non presented.

Tour of the Veterans Hive, Cleethorpes

Members were given a conducted tour of all the facilities and the Cleethorpes Hive. This was followed by lunch and further networking opportunities.

Next meetings

Next full scheduled meeting observing any Codiv19 regulations which may be extant at that time will take place in October/November but it hoped that a physical meeting at a ‘central location’ within the region will be possible. Date and location will follow.