Forms for claiming a VAT refund if your business is registered in a country outside the UK
Use form VAT65A to reclaim VAT paid in the UK if your business is not registered in the UK.
If your business is registered outside the UK you must use form VAT65A to reclaim VAT paid in the UK. Businesses registered in the EU must use this form to reclaim VAT paid in the UK from 1 January 2021.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Related forms and guidance
Read refunds of UK VAT for non-UK businesses (VAT Notice 723A) to find out how:
- UK and Isle of Man businesses can claim a refund of VAT incurred in the EU
- businesses established in countries outside of the UK can reclaim VAT incurred in the UK
Updates to this page
The Application for VAT refund by a business person not established in the UK (VAT65A) form has been updated to include information about corresponding with HMRC by email.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
The telephone number for the Overseas Repayment Unit has been updated on the VAT65 notes.
Revised VAT65A Notes added to the page.
Revised VAT65A Notes added to the page.
Contact details in VAT65a and VAT65a notes amended.
First published.