Tell HMRC about a VAT-registered trader that is insolvent
Use form VAT769 to notify HM Revenue and Customs of an insolvency of a VAT-registered trader.
Use form VAT769 to notify HMRC of an insolvency of a VAT-registered trader.
Before you start
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You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You can’t save a partly completed form so we suggest you gather all your information together before you begin to fill it in.
Related forms and guidance
VAT Notice 700/56: insolvency
Read about insolvency and notifying HMRC including completing form VAT769.
Updates to this page
We have updated the addresses you'll need when sending VAT769 to notify us of an insolvency of a VAT-registered trader.
This guidance has been updated to show a new address for sending completed notification for Members voluntary liquidations.
Welsh translation added to the page.
Addresses for sending completed notification have been amended.
First published.