
Cael gwybod am rifau cofrestru cerbyd a phlatiau rhif (INF104W)

Gwybodaeth am rifau cofrestru a phlatiau rhif.




Cael gwybod am rifau cofrestru a hefyd eu fformat, eu harddangos, llythrennau dynodi ardal lleol, cael plat rhif, manyleb dyluniad a gwybodaeth arall.

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 1 April 2009
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 12 April 2022 + show all updates
  1. Updated INF104 leaflet

  2. Updated pdf.

  3. Updated pdf.

  4. Update to Welsh version

  5. English PDF updated.

  6. Welsh PDF updated.

  7. Updated pdf.

  8. Welsh PDF updated.

  9. PDF updated

  10. Updated pdf.

  11. Updated pdf.

  12. PDF attachment updated.

  13. Updated PDF

  14. updated 22 June 2016

  15. Amended document to include abolition of the tax disc changes.

  16. All references to Local Offices have been removed.

  17. First published.

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