
Veterans Welfare Service

The Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) provides a professional help and advice service to veterans or anyone supporting a veteran, their families and dependants.


The Veterans Welfare Service VWS provides one-to-one support to veterans, their families and dependants, via a network of welfare managers across the UK and Republic of Ireland.

We work together with the Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force, local authorities, voluntary organisations, service charities and Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees to promote independence and maintains dignity.

How we can help

You can access this service through either telephone contact or, if needed, during a home visit

We may be able to help with:

  • with the transition from service to civilian life
  • to bereaved families
  • if there are changes in disablement
  • with any forms and help completing them if needed.

Further information available

This leaflet gives more information on who the Veterans Welfare Service are and what they do.

A Guide to the Veterans Welfare Service

If you need help

There are four Veterans Welfare Centres, providing advice and support across the UK. If you need any help, phone or email the welfare centre nearest to where you live or the Veterans UK helpline.

Centurion (London, SE and SW England)

Tel 02392 702232

Kidderminster (South and Central Wales, Midlands and East England)

Tel 01562 825527

Norcross VWC (NW England, Yorkshire and Humber, North Wales and IOM)

If you should wish to contact the Welfare centre this can be done using the email address below.


Glasgow (Scotland)

If you should wish to contact the Welfare centre this can be done using the email address below.


Belfast (Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland)

Support for veterans and their families in Northern Ireland - GOV.UK

Telephone: 028 90 420 145


Veterans UK helpline

Freephone (UK only):0808 1914 2 18
Telephone (overseas): +44 1253 866 043
Normal Service: 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday

Updates to this page

Published 18 February 2020
Last updated 5 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Phone number has been removed from Norcross contact details

  2. Update of email addresses

  3. Revised attachment - Guide to the Veterans Welfare Service

  4. Addition to overview and link about the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

  5. First published.

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