Violence against women and girls newsletter, summer 2013
This is the spring edition of the violence against women and girls newsletter.
In this edition you will find information on:
- Crown Prosecution Service reports improved convictions across violence against women and girls
- Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
- Stop and search consultation
- National Group to Tackle Sexual Violence Against Children and Vulnerable People
- Centre for Social Action Rehabilitation Social Action Fund
- The CEDAW Committee’s observations and recommendations have now been published.
- Securing Excellence in commissioning sexual assault services for people who experience sexual violence
- Responsibility Deal Domestic Violence pledge launched
- National model outcomes framework for survivors of violence against women and girls
- Improved rape support funding for England and Wales
- International Preventing Sexual Violence initiative
- Launch of new FGM helpline
- Publication of Domestic Violence Research Report
- End Violence Against Women Coalition activity
- New CAADA research into hospital based IDVA services
- Shared Insights, Shared Outcomes: subsidised outcomes measurement for domestic abuse services
- The National Young People’s Violence Advocacy Programme
- Surrey County Council wins awards for domestic abuse libraries project