Volumetric Modular Construction research
Independent research commissioned to consider potential risks to the safety and performance of volumetric modular construction.
Applies to England
This independent research, conducted by Harlow Consulting and Edinburgh Napier University, identifies potential risks (including those relevant to buildings constructed using traditional methods), which may affect buildings constructed using volumetric modular construction (VMC) techniques.
The report does not assess how likely any of these risks are to materialise or their prevalence. As a result, the government commissioned the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) to undertake further research and that report, completed by the Health and Safety Executive, has also been published by the BSR.
Both reports are a reminder of the potential risks if developers do not fulfil their responsibilities in meeting building regulations, which is the case for any method of construction.
This research report was commissioned by the previous government and was undertaken by independent consultants, as per the principles of the Government Social Research Publication protocol.
This independent research report should not be taken as a statement of government policy.