Transparency data

First end of scheme reconciliation (ESR) data

Published 10 January 2025

Table 1: 2019 voluntary scheme sales reports - measured sales

Year 2019 voluntary scheme (£m) Statutory scheme (£m) Parallel imports (£m) Total (£m)
2018 8,847 1,650 664 11,161
2019 9,107 1,673 616 11,396
2020 10,670 379 681 11,730
2021 11,811 395 726 12,931
2022 12,904 45 828 13,777
2023 12,614 663 677 13,953

Table 1 notes

  1. Table 1 sets out aggregate information about measured sales subject to the affordability mechanism. It includes information received on parallel imports from IQVIA adjusted to estimated net prices, and information from audited and yet to be audited annual sales reports and unaudited quarterly sales reports provided by members of the 2019 voluntary scheme and the statutory scheme.
  2. The baseline for measured sales in respect of the 2019 voluntary scheme, statutory scheme and parallel imports has been calculated in accordance with annex 4, paragraph 1 of the 2019 voluntary scheme.
  3. Measured sales is defined in the glossary of the 2019 voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access as “sales of scheme products by scheme members, statutory scheme sales and parallel import sales, but excluding exemptions from measured sales”.
  4. Annual totals for the 2019 voluntary scheme reflect any audited sales reports received. Annual totals from 2019 onwards for the statutory scheme reflect any audited sales reports received.
  5. Measured sales in any particular period reflects all relevant scheme members in either the 2019 voluntary scheme or statutory scheme during that period. For example, several companies moved from the statutory scheme to the voluntary scheme at the start of 2020. Those companies’ measured sales will appear under the statutory scheme in 2019 and the voluntary scheme in 2020.
  6. Parallel import sales were updated at the Q1 2023 publication to reflect our best understanding of the data from 2018 to 2023, and the removal of an element of double counting as a result.

Table 2: 2019 voluntary scheme sales reports - eligible sales and resulting total scheme payments

Period Aggregate eligible sales (£m) Resulting aggregate scheme payments (£m)
2019 8,807 845
2020 10,085 595
2021 11,058 564
2022 12,129 1,819
2023 11,815 3,131
2023 (ESR) 11,811 2,498

Table 2 notes

  1. Table 2, which is derived from unaudited quarterly sales reports and any audited and yet to be audited annual sales reports received from members of the 2019 voluntary scheme, sets out aggregate information showing eligible sales covered by the scheme payment and the resulting scheme payments.
  2. There are 2 columns of information, one for aggregate eligible sales and one for resulting aggregate scheme payments due for the respective periods.
  3. Eligible sales is defined in the glossary of the 2019 voluntary scheme as “sales of scheme products but excluding exemptions from eligible sales”. The payment percentage applies to these sales. Eligible sales excludes certain types of sales, including the first £5 million of sales by a medium-sized company and new active substance (NAS) sales. Both of these sales categories are, however, included in measured sales and, therefore, the calculation of the overall sum to be repaid across all scheme members.

Table 3: statutory scheme sales reports - net sales covered by the statutory scheme payment and resulting payments

Statutory scheme payment and resulting payments 2019 (£m) 2020 (£m) 2021 (£m) 2022 (£m) 2023 (£m)
Aggregate net sales covered by the applicable annual statutory scheme payment (a) 636 34 193 45 663
Resulting aggregate statutory scheme payment (b) 63 2 21 6 183
Net sales of extant frameworks and public contracts subject to 7.8% payment (c) 310 17 17 0 0
Resulting statutory scheme 7.8% payment (d) 24 1 1 0 0
Total resulting statutory scheme payment (b + d) 87 4 22 6 183

Table 3 note

Table 3 is derived from audited and unaudited statutory scheme sales reports. It sets out aggregate information showing net sales covered by the statutory scheme payment and the resulting payments.

Table 4: 2019 voluntary scheme updated calculations - observed modelled measured sales growth rates

2019 observed 2020 observed 2021 observed 2022 observed 2023 observed
2019 voluntary scheme 2.95% 16.08% 9.93% 8.27% –2.76%
Statutory scheme 1.38% –77.33% 4.17% –90.97% 1,474.43%
Parallel import –7.20% 10.45% 6.69% 13.94% –18.18%
Overall 2.11% 2.06% 9.55% 5.52% 0.21%

Table 4 notes

  1. Table 4 shows the observed modelled full year growth from 2019 to 2023.
  2. In accordance with annex 4, paragraph 34 of the scheme documentation, companies whose sales exceed (or fall below) £5 million between years, and so are included (or excluded) from measured sales of subsequent years, are excluded from the growth calculations.

General notes

  1. The information in all tables is that held on the Department of Health and Social Care’s database at 29 November 2024 apart from the resultant ESR eligible sales and resultant payments information at Table 2, which used data on the database at 20 December 2024.
  2. Totals may not sum due to rounding.
  3. All tables are subject to future correction such as where audited data replaces best available data and will be updated at the final end of scheme reconciliation in 2025. The audit and reconciliation arrangements are set out in paragraphs 4.26 to 4.31 of the 2019 voluntary scheme. The statutory scheme audit requirements are set out at paragraph 23 of the regulations.
  4. As set out in the scheme documentation, a 2-stage end-scheme reconciliation process to address any outstanding under or over payments will reflect the fact the final audited and de-facto audited annual sales reports for 2022 and 2023 will not be received until 2024 and 2025, at the earliest, respectively. This publication reports the first of those reconciliations.
  5. The latest data suggests a revised 2023 payment percentage of 21.2%. This estimate is only provisional and is subject to change following the second stage of the end-scheme reconciliation process.