Research and analysis

Southern Water EPA data report 2023

Published 23 July 2024

Applies to England

This report provides company specific data and information on the Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) metrics. It contains current year and historic performance data (as published at the time, based on data provided in part by the water companies). For further information on what each EPA metric and performance star ratings mean see our EPA metric guide.

In addition to the EPA metrics, this report contains a section on event duration monitoring (EDM) of storm overflows. For a comparison between water companies and wider regulatory information see the Environmental performance of the water and sewerage companies in 2023 report.

We set targets for each EPA metric. Company performance is then given a red, amber or green (RAG) status:

  • red – significantly below target
  • amber – below target
  • green – achieved target or better

We review and revise thresholds every 5 years.

1. EPA metric status and performance star rating

Main facts

For 2023:

  • red status for 2 metrics, amber status for 1 metric and green status for 4 metrics
  • 1 of 5 companies (out of 9) rated as requires improvement (2 stars)

Annual performance star rating after assessment of Southern Water’s performance across all EPA metrics

Year Overall EPA star rating (out of 4) Star rating description
2011 2 stars Below average company
2012 2 stars Below average company
2013 1 star Poor performing company
2014 2 stars Below average company
2015 3 stars Above average company
2016 3 stars Good company
2017 3 stars Good company
2018 2 stars Company requires improvement
2019 1 star Poor performing company
2020 2 stars Company requires improvement
2021 1 star Poor performing company
2022 2 stars Company requires improvement
2023 2 stars Company requires improvement

Annual percentage of red, amber or green (RAG) status EPA metric results for Southern Water

Graph note: there were 6 EPA metrics in the years 2011 to 2015 and 2018 to 2021. There were 7 EPA metrics in the years 2016, 2017, 2022 and 2023.

Annual number of EPA metrics and their RAG status results for Southern Water

Year Number of metrics in EPA Number of red metrics Number of amber metrics Number of green metrics
2011 6 2 1 3
2012 6 2 1 3
2013 6 3 0 3
2014 6 2 0 4
2015 6 0 3 3
2016 7 0 4 3
2017 7 0 4 3
2018 6 2 1 3
2019 6 3 1 2
2020 6 2 2 2
2021 6 4 1 1
2022 7 2 1 4
2023 7 2 1 4

2. Total pollution incidents (sewerage) metric (category 1 to 3)

Main facts

For 2023:

  • 59 sewerage pollution incidents per 10,000km of sewer – this is rated as red
  • 234 actual incidents (needed 85 or fewer to be rated as green)
  • 39,729km sewer length
  • performance was worse than the sector (36) for sewerage pollution incidents per 10,000km of sewer
  • 1 of 3 companies (out of 9) to be rated red, no companies rated green

Annual number of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage assets, with EPA status

2011 to 2015 data

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EPA status red red red red amber
Incidents per 10,000km sewer 221 189 148 135 75
Actual incident numbers 479 409 320 292 163

2016 to 2020 data

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EPA status amber amber amber red red
Incidents per 10,000km sewer 35 31 39 110 102
Actual incident numbers 138 123 151 430 400

2021 to 2025 data

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
EPA status red red red no data no data
Incidents per 10,000km sewer 94 90 59 no data no data
Actual incident numbers 372 358 234 no data no data

Annual number of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage assets, also showing EPA status and thresholds

Graph note: the EPA RAG status thresholds are set for normalised (per 10,000km sewer) numbers of sewerage incidents (see our EPA metric guide). We review and revise thresholds every 5 years. Equivalent thresholds for actual incident numbers are calculated using water company sewer length data – these are shown in the graph background and the table below.

EPA thresholds for actual number of Southern Water sewerage incidents for the calendar years 2011 to 2025

Calendar year Red status Amber status Green status
2011 to 2015 281 or above 110 to 280 109 or below
2016 197 or above 101 to 196 100 or below
2017 to 2020 194 or above 100 to 193 99 or below
2021 165 or above 94 to 164 93 or below
2022 157 or above 90 to 156 89 or below
2023 149 or above 86 to 148 85 or below
2024 146 or above 82 to 145 81 or below
2025 138 or above 78 to 137 77 or below

Number of pollution incidents (total category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets in 2023

Asset type Number of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3)
Combined sewer overflow 3
Foul sewer 100
Other water industry premises 0
Pumping station 62
Rising main 29
Sewage treatment works 39
Storm tank 0
Surface water outfall 1
Water distribution system (water supply) 17
Water treatment works (water supply) 0

Note: water distribution system and water treatment works (both water supply assets) are not part of the EPA total pollution incidents (sewerage) metric.

Number of pollution incidents (total and breakdown of categories 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets in 2023

Asset type Category 1 to 3 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Combined sewer overflow 3 0 0 3
Foul sewer 100 1 3 96
Other water industry premises 0 0 0 0
Pumping station 62 1 2 59
Rising main 29 1 3 25
Sewage treatment works 39 1 1 37
Storm tank 0 0 0 0
Surface water outfall 1 0 0 1
Water distribution system (water supply) 17 0 0 17
Water treatment works (water supply) 0 0 0 0

3. Serious pollution incidents (sewerage and water supply) metric (category 1 and 2)

Main facts

For 2023:

  • 13 serious incidents – this is rated as red (needed 1 or 0 to be rated as green)
  • 13 serious incidents from sewerage assets
  • 0 serious incidents from water supply assets
  • 1 of 4 companies (out of 9) to be rated red

Annual number of serious pollution incidents (category 1 and 2) from Southern Water assets (sewerage and from 2021 including water supply), with EPA status

2011 to 2015 data

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EPA status red red red red amber
Serious incidents per 10,000km sewer 9.7 4.6 4.2 5.5 3.2
Actual serious incident numbers – sewerage 21 10 9 12 7

2016 to 2020 data

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EPA status amber amber red red amber
Serious incidents per 10,000km sewer 0.8 1 1.8 1.8 1.0
Actual serious incident numbers – sewerage 3 4 7 7 4

2021 to 2025 data

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
EPA status red red red no data no data
Serious incident numbers – all assets 12 5 13 no data no data
Serious incident numbers – sewerage 12 5 13 no data no data
Serious incident numbers – water supply 0 0 0 no data no data

Annual number of serious pollution incidents (category 1 and 2) from Southern Water assets (sewerage and from 2021 including water supply), also showing EPA status and thresholds

Graph note: for 2011 to 2020 EPA RAG status thresholds were set for normalised (per 10,000km sewer) numbers of serious sewerage incidents (see our EPA metric guide). Equivalent thresholds for actual serious sewerage incident numbers were calculated using water company sewer length data. We review and revise thresholds every 5 years. For 2021 to 2025 water companies are in one of two groups with different thresholds set for actual serious sewerage and water supply incident numbers. The thresholds for actual serious incident numbers are shown in the graph background and the table below.

EPA thresholds for number of serious incidents from Southern Water assets (sewerage and from 2021 including water supply) for the calendar years 2011 to 2025

Calendar year Red status Amber status Green status
2011 to 2015 9 or above 4 to 8 3 or below
2016 to 2020 6 or above 3 to 5 2 or below
2021 and 2022 4 or above 2 or 3 1 or 0
2023 and 2024 3 or above 2 1 or 0
2025 2 or above 1 0

Number of serious pollution incidents (category 1 and 2) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets in 2023

Asset type Number of serious pollution incidents (category 1 and 2)
Combined sewer overflow 0
Foul sewer 4
Other water industry premises 0
Pumping station 3
Rising main 4
Sewage treatment works 2
Storm tank 0
Surface water outfall 0
Water distribution system (water supply) 0
Water treatment works (water supply) 0

4. Self-reporting of pollution incidents (sewerage and water supply) metric

Main facts

For 2023:

  • 69% of all incidents self-reported, 80% from just pumping stations (PS) and sewage treatment works (STW) combined – this is rated as amber
  • needed 80% or higher self-reporting and 90% from just PS and STW combined to be rated as green
  • 174 self-reported incidents, 77 incidents reported by others
  • performance was worse than the sector (84%) for self-reporting of all pollution incidents
  • performance was worse than the sector (93%) for self-reporting of just PS and STW pollution incidents combined
  • worst performing company for self-reporting of all pollution incidents and for self-reporting of just PS and STW pollution incidents combined
  • 1 of 3 companies (out of 9) not to be rated green

Annual self-reporting of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets, with EPA rating

2011 to 2015 data

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EPA status green green green green amber
Percentage of incidents self-reported 84 86 77 69 59
Number of incidents self-reported 405 356 248 203 99

2016 to 2020 data

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EPA status amber amber green green green
Percentage of incidents self-reported 71 70 83 87 88
Number of incidents self-reported 103 94 156 400 360

2021 to 2025 data

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
EPA status green green amber no data no data
Percentage of incidents self-reported 90 90 69 no data no data
Number of incidents self-reported 353 352 174 no data no data
Percentage of PS and STW incidents self-reported 96 95 80 no data no data
Number of PS and STW incidents self-reported 259 213 81 no data no data

Annual self-reporting of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets, also showing EPA status and thresholds

Graph note: the EPA RAG status thresholds (for all sewerage and water supply assets) are shown in the graph background and in the EPA metric guide. We review and revise thresholds every 5 years. From 2021 the additional number in brackets is the self-reporting percentage for just PS and STW incidents combined. To achieve green status self-reporting for all assets must be 80% or above and for just STW and PS combined must be 90% or above.

Self-reporting of pollution incidents (category 1 to 3) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets in 2023

Asset type Number of pollution incidents self-reported (category 1 to 3) Number of pollution incidents not self-reported (category 1 to 3)
Combined sewer overflow 1 2
Foul sewer 52 48
Other water industry premises 0 0
Pumping station 51 11
Rising main 24 5
Sewage treatment works 30 9
Storm tank 0 0
Surface water outfall 1 0
Water distribution system (water supply) 15 2
Water treatment works (water supply) 0 0

Self-reporting of serious pollution incidents (category 1 to 2) from Southern Water sewerage and water supply assets in 2023

Asset type Number of serious pollution incidents self-reported (category 1 to 2) Number of serious pollution incidents not self-reported (category 1 to 2)
Combined sewer overflow 0 0
Foul sewer 3 1
Other water industry premises 0 0
Pumping station 2 1
Rising main 3 1
Sewage treatment works 0 2
Storm tank 0 0
Surface water outfall 0 0
Water distribution system (water supply) 0 0
Water treatment works (water supply) 0 0

5. Discharge permit compliance (numeric) metric

Main facts

For 2023:

  • 99.4% numeric discharge permit compliance – this is rated as green
  • 312 permitted discharge outlets from STW – 99.4% compliance (2 non-compliant STW)
  • 24 permitted discharge outlets from water treatment works (WTW) – 100% compliance (0 non-compliant WTW)
  • performance was better than the sector (98.8.%) for numeric discharge permit compliance
  • 1 of 6 companies (out of 9) to be rated green

Annual discharge permit compliance (numeric) for Southern Water (STW and from 2016 includes WTW), with EPA status

2011 to 2015 data

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EPA status red amber red green green
Percentage permit compliance 96.0 96.8 96.0 99.0 99.3
Number of permitted discharge outlets from STW 277 277 298 295 291
Number of non-compliant STW 11 9 12 3 2

2016 to 2020 data

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EPA status amber amber green amber amber
Percentage permit compliance 98.7 98.2 99.1 98.8 97.1
Number of permitted discharge outlets from STW 293 309 313 316 315
Number of permitted discharge outlets from WTW 11 19 20 20 25
Number of non-compliant STW 2 5 1 2 10
Number of non-compliant WTW 2 1 2 2 0

2021 to 2025 data

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
EPA status red amber green no data no data
Percentage permit compliance 97.9 98.2 99.4 no data no data
Number of permitted discharge outlets from STW 315 313 312 no data no data
Number of permitted discharge outlets from WTW 25 24 24 no data no data
Number of non-compliant STW 6 6 2 no data no data
Percentage compliance STW 98.1 98.1 99.4 no data no data
Number of non-compliant WTW 1 0 0 no data no data
Percentage compliance WTW 96.0 100 100 no data no data

Annual discharge permit compliance (numeric) for Southern Water (STW and from 2016 includes WTW), also showing EPA status and thresholds

Graph note: the EPA RAG status thresholds are shown in the graph background and in the EPA metric guide. We review and revise thresholds every 5 years.

6. Delivery of the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) metric

Main facts

For the financial year ending 2024 (cumulative progress years 1 to 4 of the WINEP):

  • 100% EPA schemes completed within planned deadlines – this is rated as green
  • 258 EPA schemes completed within planned deadlines
  • performance was better than the sector (100%)
  • 1 of 6 companies (out of 9) to be rated green
  • 511 non-EPA WINEP schemes completed within planned deadlines
  • 190 non-EPA WINEP schemes did not meet requirements within planned deadlines

Annual delivery of the NEP (WINEP from April 2020) by Southern Water, with EPA rating

Data for financial years ending 2012 to 2016

Financial year ending 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Asset Management Plan (AMP) AMP5 AMP5 AMP5 AMP5 AMP6
EPA status green green green green green
Percentage of NEP complete to date (cumulative) 124 109 100 100 100
Cumulative number of schemes completed during AMP period 124 190 200 267 2

Data for financial years ending 2017 to 2021

Financial year ending 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Asset Management Plan (AMP) AMP6 AMP6 AMP6 AMP6 AMP7
EPA status green green green red red
Percentage of NEP complete to date (cumulative) 100 100 100 90.0 87.2
Cumulative number of schemes completed during AMP period 80 113 137 207 34

Data for financial years ending 2022 to 2026

Financial year ending 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Asset Management Plan (AMP) AMP7 AMP7 AMP7 AMP7 AMP8
EPA status amber green green no data no data
Percentage of WINEP to date complete within deadlines (to date) 98.4 100 100 no data no data
Cumulative number of schemes completed during AMP period 127 255 258 no data no data
Cumulative number of water quality schemes completed during AMP period 106 225 227 no data no data
Cumulative number of water resources schemes completed during AMP period 3 4 5 no data no data
Cumulative number of fisheries, biodiversity and geomorphology schemes completed during AMP period 18 26 26 no data no data

Table note: AMP5 schemes that were completed early before their planned year were included in the cumulative delivery percentage (in some cases resulting in percentages over 100%). AMP6 and AMP7 schemes that were completed early before their planned year are not included in the cumulative delivery percentage until their planned year (cannot report over 100%). The EPA RAG status thresholds are in the EPA metric guide. We review and revise thresholds every 5 years.

7. Sludge disposal and use metric

Main facts

For 2023:

  • 99.28% satisfactory sludge disposal and use – this is rated as green
  • 59,242t (tonnes dry solid) total volume dispatched
  • 13,576ha (hectares) land used for spreading
  • 100% of sludge produced was used in agriculture
  • 1 of 4 companies (out of 9) to report less than 100% satisfactory sludge disposal and use – all companies rated green

Annual compliance with sludge disposal and use metric by Southern Water, with EPA ratings

2011 to 2015 data

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EPA status green green green green green
Percentage of sludge compliant 100 100 100 100 100
Total volume of sludge dispatched (t thousands dry solid) 101.4 59.5 64.0 61.0 50.9

2016 to 2020 data

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EPA status green green no data no data no data
Percentage of sludge compliant 100 100 no data no data no data
Total volume of sludge dispatched (t thousands dry solid) 60.4 53.2 53.8 50.7 58.1

2021 to 2025 data

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
EPA status no data green green no data no data
Percentage of sludge compliant no data 100 99.28 no data no data
Total volume of sludge dispatched (t thousands dry solid) 59.0 60.0 59.2 no data no data

Table note: for the 2018 to 2021 calendar years, we suspended the metric from the EPA whilst we reviewed our regulatory regime for sludge. The EPA RAG status thresholds are in the EPA metric guide.

Annual summary of sewage sludge disposal and use (dry matter) by Southern Water  

Year Sewage sludge used in agriculture (t thousands) Sewage sludge recovered non-agriculture (t thousands) Sewage sludge disposed (t thousands)
2021 59.0 0.0 0.0
2022 60.0 0.0 0.0
2023 59.2 0.0 0.0

8. Supply Demand Balance Index (SDBI) metric

Main facts

For the financial year ending 2024:

  • SDBI of 100 – this is rated as green
  • 14 water resource zones
  • 565 megalitres per day water distributed to the network – above forecast
  • 1 of 9 companies (out of 9) to be rated green

Annual compliance with SDBI by Southern Water, with EPA ratings

Financial year ending 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
EPA status red green green no data no data
SDBI score 97 100 100 no data no data

Table note: the EPA RAG status thresholds are in the EPA metric guide.

9. Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) delivery

We have published the EDM storm overflow annual return dataset received from water companies. This shows how often and how long the monitored storm overflows operated during 2023. The 2023 dataset also includes water company reasons for performance issues with monitors and reasons for high spill counts.

Southern Water storm overflows

Year 2023
Total number of active storm overflows listed in the annual return 976
Total number of active storm overflows with EDM commissioned 976
Percentage of active storm overflows listed with EDM commissioned 100
Total number of storm overflows with spill data 962
Percentage of storm overflows listed with spill data 98.5
Average number of spills per storm overflow with spill data 30.7
Average duration (hours) per monitored spill event 10.8
Percentage storm overflows with ≥90% EDM operation during reporting period 85.5