Research and analysis

East Anglia water situation: August 2024 summary

Updated 13 September 2024

Applies to England

1. Summary

August was a dry month with some very warm days, particularly in the first half of the month. The soil moisture deficit (SMD) built up, and groundwater levels and river flows receded. The healthy recharge season during last winter and the wet spring meant that hydrological extremes and environmental problems were largely avoided even during the warmest days.

2. Rainfall

August was a dry month across East Anglia. Following a dry June and a wet July, the low rainfall during the month means the 3-month total rainfall across the summer has been lower than the long term average (LTA). Summer totals have been typically 30mm to 50mm lower than the LTA. But the dry summer followed a particularly wet autumn, winter and spring. During the last 12 months, rainfall totals have been typically 160mm to 260mm higher than the LTA. South Essex has been the exception, but even here the 12-month totals have been 90mm higher than the LTA.

3. Soil moisture deficit and recharge

The high rainfall totals during the first half of July contributed to a lower SMD than usual by the middle of the summer. The dry end to July and the dry August since then has led to a rapid rise in deficit. However, the shortening days of autumn mean the deficit is unlikely to get much higher in the coming weeks.

4. River flows

All river flows receded during August with little or no runoff responses. But where rivers have significant baseflow components, the flows held up well relative to flows observed in previous Augusts. The River Waveney flow at Needham appears low relative to previous years due to the absence of significant runoff responses and because the river has not been augmented with the Waveney Augmentation Groundwater Schemes (WAGS) this summer.

5. Groundwater levels   

Groundwater levels continued to recede. However, they remain healthy for the time of year due to the bountiful recharge season last winter.

6. Reservoir stocks

Reservoir storage was drawn down during the dry August as expected. Levels remain relatively healthy with no particular causes for concern.

7. Forward look

7.1 Probabilistic ensemble projections for river flows at key sites

The projections for the coming December suggest a reduced risk of exceptionally low flows then.

7.2 Probabilistic ensemble projections for groundwater levels in key aquifers

The projection for groundwater levels in March 2025 show no prospect of exceptionally low groundwater levels by then. There is only a low risk of some sites recording notably low groundwater levels.

Author: Hydrology Team,

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