MOD byelaws: Wiltshire
Byelaws detailing access to Defence Estate land in Wiltshire.
To be reviewed
The following sites are on the current programme to be reviewed. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below or byelaws do not currently exist and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.
- The Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment Boscombe Down byelaws 1986
- Bulford Ranges Byelaws 1970
- Imber Ranges byelaws1963
- Larkhill Artillery Range byelaws 1965
- Perham Down Ranges byelaws 1969
- Porton Down and Winterbourne Gunner military lands byelaws 1977
- Salisbury Plain military lands byelaws 1981
Over the years the MOD has sold or transferred the freehold or relinquished the leasehold at a significant number of sites that were once the subject of byelaws. This list may also be helpful in showing for environmental and historical research those areas of the country once occupied by MOD. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.
- Chisledon Camp (Army Vocational Training Centre) Military Lands Byelaws 1935
- Codford Rifle Range ^
- Fovant Rifle Range ^
- Sutton Veny Rifle Range ^
Over the years the MOD has reviewed existing byelaws, in the process revoking previous byelaws. The MOD has also revoked byelaws on land that is in the process of being disposed of. This list may be helpful in showing for environmental and historical research those areas of the country once occupied by MOD. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.
- Bulford Ranges byelaws 1963
- Chisledon Camp (Army Vocational Training Centre) Military Lands byelaws 1930
- Porton Experimental Station Salisbury Military Lands byelaws 1923
- Salisbury Plain Area (including Porton Experimental Station) Military Lands byelaws 1937 and Salisbury Plain Area Military Lands (Amendment) Byelaws 1977
- Salisbury Plain Area (including Porton Experimental Station) Military Lands byelaws 1926
- Salisbury Plain Area Military Lands byelaws 1924
- Salisbury Plain Area Military Lands byelaws 1923
- Salisbury Plain Artillery and Netheravon Ranges byelaws 1947
- Salisbury Plain Artillery and Netheravon Ranges byelaws 1940
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges byelaws 1932
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges Byelaws 1923
- Salisbury Plain Chapperton Down Artillery Range byelaws 1916
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges byelaws 1915
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges byelaws 1914
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges byelaws 1913 ^
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges byelaws 1912
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Ranges West Down Range byelaws 1911
- Salisbury Plain Artillery and Rifle Ranges byelaws 1907
- Salisbury Plain Artillery Range byelaws 1899
- Salisbury Plain District Byelaws 1915 ^
- Salisbury Plain District Byelaws 1906 ^
- Salisbury Plain Imber Ranges, Hill Farm Range and Bowls Barrow Range byelaws 1939
- Salisbury Plain Imber Machine Gun Ranges, Hill Farm Range and Bowls Barrow Range byelaws 1936
- Salisbury Plain Imber Machine Gun Ranges, Hill Farm Range and Bowls Barrow Range byelaws 1933
- Salisbury Plain Netheravon Machine Gun and Mortar Ranges byelaws 1934
- Salisbury Plain Netheravon Machine Gun Ranges byelaws 1933 ^
- Salisbury Plain Netheravon Machine Gun Ranges byelaws 1924
- Salisbury Plain Rifle and Revolver Ranges and Field and Mortar Firing Ranges in the county of Wiltshire byelaws 1934
- Salisbury Plain Rifle and Revolver Ranges in the county of Wiltshire byelaws 1926
- Salisbury Plain Rifle Ranges in the County of Wiltshire Byelaws 1923 ^
Salisbury Plain Rifle Ranges in the County of Wiltshire Byelaws 1914
^ No copy of the byelaw document is currently available.
Related Information
Ministry of Defence: byelaws review
List of byelaws to be reviewed